Wow! There were almost 500 entries in our Holiday Room Design Share Center Contest! As you can imagine, it was pretty difficult to narrow it down to ten finalists, but after a lot of consideration, we have a shortlist.
Please take some time to look over our ten finalists’ entries and let us know in the comments which one is YOUR favorite! While the final decision rests with the judges here at Webkinz, we will definitely take your comments into consideration when making our selection.
Each of the finalists will receive a one month Deluxe Membership and our Grand Prize winner will also receive a virtual Room Design Trophy and a virtual Festive Fudge Stand, a dispenser that gives out a piece of fudge every day – brand new in the Ganz eStore!
In no particular order, here are the ten finalists:

Heartwarming Holiday Home by whalesharks485
This Heartwarming Holiday Home was designed to capture that warm feeling of being with family for the holidays. It may be snowing outside, but these webkinz know how to keep cozy by the fireplace while waiting to open the presents under their tree.

Xxxxxmasss Roooooom by warren71
my xmas holiday

Christmas Eve at the North Pole by oneragup
The elves are busy on the night before Christmas as they harness the reindeer and load the presents onto Santa’s sleigh!

Kinzville Seasonal Ice Rink by doggypuppydogpup
Every year since Kinzville’s founding, a small ice rink has been set up downtown for all the ‘kinz to come along and enjoy a free, fun day of ice skating. Fresh buttered popcorn and hot cocoa are also available.

Santa Claus Comes To Town by gappytoo
Santa and his reindeer, headed by Rudolph of course, have touched down in Kinzville. Faithful Elf Mi Tiu is scouting the territory for his boss, Santa.

Santa’s Village by ladycayte
Santa’s Village is bustling with activity this close to Christmas!

Victorian Christmas Mansion by cupcakequeen1313
Victorian Christmas Mansion

Country HoHoHome! By webkinzwarriorlover8
In a century old country brick home, Rannoch awaits Christmas eve! sarahf31

Holiday Gathering Room by pigknucklesmomginger
Let all your Webkinz family gather for the holidays!!

Winter Wonder Land by aoi_iro_usagi
When I saw the New theme I bought it and decorated it, i’d love it if you could put some of my rooms in a video at the webkinz newz.
We can’t wait to read your comments!!!
Oh my goodness, amazing choices! I think my personal favorite has to be the Heartwarming Holiday Home. Such a nicely designed room! It seems very large even if it is a medium sized room! Congratulations finalists! =D
Wow! Awesome rooms finalists!! I love them all. . . But if I had to choose a favorite, it would be the Kinzville Seasonal Ice Rink. Its so creative and I’ve never seen anyone do it before! Great job @doggypuppydogpup and all the finalists!
I agree! That room is really creative and just screams “Christmas cheer” when I see it. It is the perfect holiday room.
I love all of these!!!!!!!!!
QUESTION: In pigknucklesmomginger’s Holiday Gathering Room, what kind of piano is in the corner near the dining table? I really want to know what its name is, where you can get it from, or when it was avalible. I really think it is gorgeous and awesome. Congratulations!!!! – Strawberry going crazy.
The piano was from last years candy cane collection. I think it is called Home for the holidays piano. It is wonderful and actually plays music!! I have extra if you would like me to gift to you. Pigknucklesmom
I would LOVE it!!! Thank you very much!!! I am radishbird3 on Webkinz and I will enjoy the gift! Plus, I really love your room too! Is that your username on Webkinz? Pigknucklesmom?
Yes.I will send you a request :)
Oh, thank you, thank you soo much! You don’t know how happy you just made me. I am soo happy! Again, Strawberry the Cat going crazy. :) :) :)
Thanks for friending me!! I hop you enjoy the piano and other holiday theme items, and I hope you have the happiest holiday ever!! :)
These designs are amazing! All of the designers do an excellent job of showcasing many of the beautiful holiday items that are available in WW or at the e-store. I can’t wait to take the time to enlarge the screen and view all the tiny details more clearly. I love ~ladycayte’s village buildings, and would like to know what they are called, and where I can get some for myself. My favorite this time would have to be the “Kinzville Seasonal Ice Rink” by ~doggypuppydogpup. I would probably like to copy that exactly if I knew how to do it. The designers should make Let’s Build videos, so we can all see how it’s done! Great job everyone!
All so nice, cant pick a favorite! Good job everyone :)
wow going to be hard to choose a winner!!!! All great designs!
Wow! What amazing rooms! Congratulations to everyone who’s gotten this far. I think I know my favorite, though… the Holiday Gathering Room by pigknucklesmomginger. It’s simply beautifully organized and I think it looks perfect. Very well done!
Congratulations, warren71, oneragup, doggypuppydogpup, ladycayte, cupcakequeen1313, webkinzwarriorlover8, pigknucklesmomginger, and to aoi_iro_usagi for being the Holiday Room Design Finalist!!! Enjoy your prizes!!! I loved your rooms!!! They were sooo talented, keep it up!