Persephone Wants YOUR Answers!

Hey everyone! It’s your old pal Persephone here!

So, the hunt for my missing fashion show clothing is officially over – did you find everything?  There are five Clothing Machine items in total, and each one is made up of three pieces of clothing. Do you know which pieces of clothing to add to the Clothing Machine to make each piece?

If you think you’ve got them all, enter my awesome contest! We’ll be choosing ten winners and awarding them the fabulous Fashion Show Station! For more information and to enter the contest, click here!

Thanks in advance for all your help – I hope the fashion show will go on next week!

105 Responses to Persephone Wants YOUR Answers!

  1. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    Why do I keep on getting dragged here from the New & Upcoming Pets forum? =/

  2. pompom323 says:

    uhhhh what is this? this was literally 2011 and I am here in 2019??????? I was just chatting on a forum… :/

  3. Urock says:

    Wait, what are we talking about again?

  4. GirrRox!!! says:


  5. SAVY says:

    I can’t believe all the work I have done and I forgot to enter the contest!! I’m so sad!! So much work and I miss the deadline by by a few hours! I feel like crying! I have all the correct answers too! Please extend it one more day so I can enter it!! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!! I was gone last night so I didn’t get a lot of my things done!!

  6. Rhoda says:

    Sigh, I’m sure I’m going to lose. :( Anyway, Ganz, I have an idea for new pets, but I DO NOT want you to use it unless you follow at least one of the two rules I post at the end of this comment. My idea is for birthstone CATS. The rules are: #1: They MUST be BOTH stuffed animals and available online, too. #2: Give people a pet matching thier birthstone as online-only birthday presents that are available to buy, too.
    Thanks, Ganz! P.S. I would prefer you to use both rules, and the second one is not just so I could get a free one. Thanks again!

  7. patato59 says:

    thank you ALL for the clothing recipes!! Also, me and achsah18 are looking for new friends for our pets and we do not know how to make new friends, can someone add us as friends?

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