December Events Calendar


There’s a lot going on in Webkinz World throughout December, including the release of the new Countryside Christmas room theme! Check out the calendar below to learn about upcoming events:




CLICK HERE to learn more about each holiday event!


What event are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


53 Responses to December Events Calendar

  1. bg_1954ddbur4df1d says:

    You sure did mess up ATLANTILES the game is not worth playing anymore.

  2. typeyourpassword10 says:

    deluxe day sounds awesome

  3. svara says:

    dear mrs. birdy, please leave me a present if i dont make it in time. ok?

  4. machaela says:

    Thanks for fixing my candy cane collection button. Now I can play and get the awesome prizes. Merry Christmas!

  5. machaela says:

    Sally help!! My candy cane collection button is not working. I really want to play. The prizes are awesome. Please please help.

  6. tinygma says:

    DELUXE – CAN be a lot of fun but I try to make sure I help and send deluxe items to those who do not have it. You can’t send everyone everything. So easy to lose track of what you already sent . New creek tiles turn “every which way” in close to a square or rectangle . This then looks like a froven pond . Add a Wish Factory snow plow or the W-SHOP SMALLER SNOW PLOW LIKE THEY ARE GOING TO SHOVEL THE POND ;) . IF you get E-STORE ITEMS then the SKATER figurine is a snowman and the Mouse in a parachute outfit (looks like a snow suite) place these figurines on the river like they are STANDING ON THE POND ;) !! LOOKS AWESOME !!!

    • tinygma says:

      SALLY -MICHAEL I can’t share but doing this with river sure helps and looks so nice. PLEASE IN THE SPRING make sure we can do the samething with all water items. I can’t wait for spring river s that I can make and have several Stoogle plushy floating in a row on the water like little kids . OF COURSE the last little Stoogle will be playing around and be backwards . Hey kids just want to have fun . Imay complain but I have for years here tried to help others with ideas I can’t share in photos for myself. The figuring of the Mouse Parachute does look like it has a snow suit on and add 2 of the skater snowman figurines turned different ways more of anything in different directions os cool biger ponds don’t look crowded peeps here can know when its too crowded. BUT the WishFactory or w shop toy snow plow do make the difference to make the scene look realer . I wish I could show you my room then you would be able to see just twist river and corner pieces in the shape of a square or rectangle . Larger items you could ad PLUSHY toys . Sitting its like they FELL on the ice ! Each room is a moment in time ;) ! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING !! BE CREATIVE THINK OUTSIDE the BOX !

  7. GramaII says:

    I collected the pieces for the countryside cottage and when I pressed the build button on build 3 the cottage disappeared. How can I get the cottage back. This happened on three of my accounts. Thank you for any help you can give me.

    • tinygma says:

      Happens to me a lot !! Stupid glitch . OK I write to “customer service” TELL THEM the name of the PET you are leaving in the room and I ALWAYS leave WEBKINZ with the same pet in the room . what I mean is LOG OUT ALWAYS in the room item went missing. When they log in to find it they will be in the RIGHT PLACE to find it. So relax it can be found and fixed . We i life just run into “stuff” and it just makes us stronger. Also WEBKINZ is pretty good at finding things ;) . Last house took 2 days to get to finding it. Be patient log out in that room with that pet ;) it just helps find things so much easier. GL

  8. masterskull1 says:

    I made this new account at like 11 pm so i missed out on a day of the 3 days of free trial so I’m totally gonna take advantage of it.

    • tinygma says:

      DON’T FORGET EMPLOYMENT CENTER !! Do QUIZZY ALL YOU CAN !! YOU WILL need level 2 to get many Employment jobs . VERY NICE an extra account does help ! ADD HOSTS YOU WILL NEED THEM ;) . SEND YOUR SELF PUMPKINZ if you did a free pet and add a pet of your own then you can send items . NO LIMITS :) ENJOY !!!

  9. penguinlove1 says:


  10. spotlogansdog says:

    AGUOPAHEFUHEIUFHSUHGIU? Deluxe Membership free trial! YEEESSSSS! I’m gonna spend as much of the day on Webkinz as possible doing everything that Deluxe members can do that I’ve missed doing since I lost my membership.

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