Webkinz Event Calendar – July 2018


Join us in Webkinz World throughout the month of July… there’s a lot going on, including a new Trophy Challenge! Check out the calendar below to find out what we have planned for the month:


Stay tuned to Webkinz Newz. We will be posting more information about each event soon…




57 Responses to Webkinz Event Calendar – July 2018

  1. bubbashuka says:

    Sweeeet! :D

  2. hunter7470 says:

    Wow you all are extremely talented!! So excited and thrilled for the month of July! May and June were truly awesome as well!! Thanks Webkinz and GanzWorld!

  3. FluffyBunnyJr says:

    Yayyyy! This Is meh birthday month!

  4. Scorpio says:

    WOW another exciting month ahead of us, I can hardly wait!! Thanks Ganz and Webkinz, thank you so much!! I love my Webkinz World!!

  5. Pokemom says:

    All of this AND the release of the new Garden Oasis theme in the Wshop? What a great summer it’s been so far Ganz, Thank you! :D

  6. KSC says:

    Lot of fun activities to look forward to!

  7. 7debbie7 says:

    July Looks Fantastic! Thanks Ganz!

  8. lovetyson4life says:

    I am so happy that the kinzville bake sale volume 2 is back. I wasn’t anpble to finish my cafeteria so this gives me a chance to do so. Thanks ganz

  9. Beckinz8 says:

    I can’t wait to see the marshmallow event prizes! I’m a little nervous about the trophy challenge, because I often lose when I play SuperModelz. I’ve been noticing a pattern though. It seems that the more outrageous (sometimes hideous, LOL) an outfit is, the more the judges like it!

    • dixiecup says:

      There is a pattern, yes. But that’s not it. Pay attention to what each judge likes, because that is what they always like in that particular session. Sometimes it’s a style of clothing (for example) button down tops for Captain Dog Beard OR for Persephone, the clothing under her character that is pink. Also, the higher your pet is, in the style class, the better they will do in the game. Like Chef Challenge, if they have Mad Cooking skills, they will do better in the Challenge. Because it is such a short game, the pattern is often difficult to ascertain, just be aware that if a judge likes a certain piece is clothing this game, they may not like it the next game.

      • Beckinz8 says:

        That is very helpful ~dixiecup! Thank you! I thought I would have to keep a book on the game to keep track of all of the judges likes and dislikes because I thought that they were consistent. But you are saying that if Goober loves the Santa hat in one match, he won’t necessarily love it in a different match. I don’t understand why Plumpy tells me that she would never wear the sparkly pink bow, but then she gives me a great score?!? Do the comments correlate with the score or not? I’ve had times where Wacky or one of the other judges will tell me that my outfit is a fashion disaster, and then give me a 23. @_@ I may never understand this game! LOL

  10. BenjaminT says:

    OMG!!!!!! I’m soooooooo excited for July. ❤❤❤❤❤❤

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