Webkinz Event Calendar – April 2019


There’s a lot happening in Webkinz World throughout April, including the chance to adopt a Webkinz Kiwi Bird… for free!


Check out the calendar below to find out what we have planned for the month:




What event are you looking forward to the most? Let us know by leaving a comment in the section below…


92 Responses to Webkinz Event Calendar – April 2019

  1. 1Emerald1 says:

    Happy almost April, everyone. This is random, but why does this site continually log me out while I’m trying to do Peek-a-Newz? It makes it impossible to collect the 500 Ganzworld points per day here. This has been going on for months. Is anyone else having this joyous situation or am I alone in the wilderness? XD

    • Beckinz8 says:

      Alone in the wilderness. Send up a flare so we can send a rescue team! Do you get the ‘Bad Gateway’ message, or does something else happen before it logs you off? Is it only Peek-a-Newz, or is it any random cruising around the site? The only issue that I have been having and have seen lots of posts about is the ‘Bad Gateway’ message that seems to almost go away and then come back strong to drive everyone batty. I hope that the team can advise you so we can get you back to civilization!

      • 73kibarry says:

        I get Bad Gateway but I don’t get logged out doing Peek A newz, however on Webkinz I can RARELY play Magic Marie and the screen freezes. I’ve emailed but havent heard back.

        • MommaSays says:

          I quit playing Magic Mire. It freezes every time I play so I just let it go. It’s maddening to have to log out every time you click on a gate and have to log out. I noticed I also lose the turn, so I just quit.

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Hi Beckinz, yes I am plagued by the 502 Bad Gateway message, but only on certain days. It makes no sense. Getting constantly logged out is a separate issue. Magic Mire is not freezing for me but there are more glitches than usual this month in general.

    • fancyduck58 says:

      I use Google Chrome as my web browser and I don’t have any issues. I’m not sure if it makes a difference or not, but hopefully this helps!

  2. WebPets19Love says:

    Oh my gosh I’m super happy there’s going to be another Webkinz Newz Week! The first one from last year was awesome! I’m also very excited about the Color Storm trophy challenge. I have gotten much better at that game recently and that trophy is a must-have for me to put in my Trophy Room.

    • Beckinz8 says:

      It is one of the coolest trophies – it’s animated and has a tiny little lightning storm inside, complete with thunder! As for the game, I just keep my eye on the cloud color drop so I can quickly send it to a group of the same color. The only thing that usually messes me up is the thunder rumble, which drops the colors anywhere and messes up my orderly chaos. I wish you the best of luck!

  3. megamom12 says:

    Spring Celebration…Webkinz’ Birthday…a new pet…Wacky Weekend…AND we get a Webkinz Newz Week???? April is going to be glorious!

  4. 24rc says:

    I’m really excited for the pet medallion event!

  5. grannyjany says:

    I’m glad to see a new spring clothing line, but I missed out on getting the fall clothes. Does anyone have extra pieces of clothing from the fall clothing line they could send me? My username is bluejaysandy.

  6. Powerann says:

    Thank you for bringing back the Color Storm Trophy Challenge. Do you think you could bring back the Dashing Dolphins Deluxe Trophy Challenge next? I never got to complete it last time….

  7. 7debbie7 says:

    April Looks Awesome! Thanks Ganz!

  8. poliprince says:

    I wish we could keep the Spring Celebration gift basket. It is gorgeous this year.

  9. KarenaJ says:

    I’m going to have to start a new trophie display room it looks like….

  10. LeoGrimm says:

    Love the Baby Blue Panama “Hart” we got today…

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