Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – October 2023


Take a look at the calendar below to see what we have planned for the month:




The new Haunted Campground room theme will only be available on Webkinz Classic from October 1 – 31.


If you would like to collect the Werewolf room theme from Webkinz Next, you must have a linked account to send it back to Webkinz Classic. CLICK HERE to learn how to link your Webkinz Classic account to a Webkinz Next account.



Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, Android and Windows 10.



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16 Responses to Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – October 2023

  1. KSC says:

    I look forward to seeing you in the Antiques Shop, baby monkey! You’re so cute! I adopted one when it was first released and named it George, after Curious George.

  2. elizton says:

    where can you get that house in the picture

  3. raggedyann1968 says:

    So many fun things to look forward to!! Thank you again for everything!

  4. crystalfawns53 says:

    The Spooky Campground theme looks amazing!!! I can’t wait for this month to start!!!

  5. KarenaJ says:

    I love halloween in WW!!! Thanks for a great month of events on both games.

  6. rosencrantzzz says:

    I want the werewolf room theme for my Webkinz account, how bad it’s only available on next, how you make kinzcash on next to buy it? My phone gets horribly hot when I use that app, it’s super slow and I can’t see a thing on the dock because it’s so small, I can’t find anything or anywhere everything there is so confusing and difficult. Hope someone could give me some orientation, ultimately if it’s too difficult I will have to live without this room theme. I barely have time to keep up with Webkinz as it is, more so because I can’t change the time zone which is such a major problem for me.

    • kalcan8 says:

      Hey there rosencrantzzz! I have never played Next on the phone app, but it sounds frustrating to try to do things on such a small screen. Do you have access to a desktop or laptop? One of the big ways that I earn KC in Next is by growing vegetables, and then selling them to Farmer Will on the days that the Farmer’s Market is open. You can often easily make 1,000 KC or more per exchange. If you have the veggies that Farmer Will wants, that can yield 3,000 KC per week on average. My advice is to buy seeds and start growing right away. Many Next room themes can set you back 10,000 KC to design a full room. Is your UN the same in WW as here on WKN?

    • crystalfawns53 says:

      It’s probably going to be at least 5000 kinzcash to purchase the whole theme. Back when the Glampire theme was out, the most expensive item in the theme was around 2250 kinzcash and that was just one item. I think the Werewolf theme may have similar pricing. Also, I can relate to you in terms of playing Webkinz Next on a phone because my phone also overheats only when I play Next on it, and it makes me concerned that this app could very much cause my phone or anyone else’s phones to catch fire.

  7. mfaull says:

    October is looking fine!! I love October and Halloween!!

  8. webkinzwizard02 says:

    I’m so happy we’re getting a new room theme on Next and I can’t wait to see it!

  9. 7debbie7 says:

    Looking Forward To An Awesome October…So Much Fun Planned For WW.

  10. pittiesrule says:

    I can’t wait to get the Lunar Lugbotz Ride, Kinzstyle Outlet clothing, Spooky Portable Toilet, Spooky Campground Theme, Player Appreciation Day & Antique Shop Room. Wish I could get the Kinzville Subway Station & Werewolf Theme. Pittiesrule

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