UPDATE: The Magic W event ended early on Webkinz Classic, but FIND OUT how you can still claim the Sweetheart Flower Shop grand prize at Webkinz Newz on Valentine’s Day!
Take a look at the calendar below to see what we have planned for the month:
Which event are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comment section below…
I’m so excited for all of these events! February is probably my favourite month and I LOVE Valentine’s Day! Everything looks so adorable – and pink!!
I’m SO excited for the new DIY Dye!!!!!!!
Love the new DIY paint! The Lady Bugs are adorable! I really hope they will have the new paint floating by a LOT! When will we get some new DIY furniture and clothing items? Soon, I hope! A dining table, dining chairs, a bed, and a side table would be really nice to have! A bathing suit and trunks, some pants or jeans, hats, and maybe a new wig style, would be nice, too! I love the DIY stuff we get to do! :-) OH! And some kitchen and bathroom items would be fun to have, too! :-)
Super pumped for the B&B, Theatre and Flower Shop, wish the Collection Event was for Valentine themed street stuff rather than yet another bedroom. I am excited for the Funky Girl Bed, though.
Wow, a lot of fun ahead for February! Thank you Webkinz team! The new DIY dye is adorable!
I HOPE HOPE HOPE that plant from the last wacky weekend is a prize for this wacky weekend event. SOOOO many of us missed out on that entire event!! PLEASE make it available for us!
I second that! I missed out entirely.
Same here!
That would be very nice. I was very sick that weekend.
That conveyor belt looks so cool. I really hope it is animated! Can’t wait to add it to my Kinzpost Office room! :)
It is indeed. It’s a super cool item.
I can’t wait to do the Challenges, Valentine Collection, Magic W, Cinnamon’s Chocolate Stand, Valentine’s Day, DIY event, Player Appreciation Day & Meet the Mayor.
It’s going to be another great month :)
Sounds like a lot of good prizes, I’m excited! The Valentine’s items are always so cute, and I’m excited for the bunk bed as well.