Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – March 2025


Take a look at the calendar below to see what we have planned for the month:



Which event are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comment section below…


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68 Responses to Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – March 2025

  1. galinnd says:

    This is crazy, I’m so hyped for this! Am I reading this correctly- will we get two new pets in April? And will we get the tiger by default if we log in on webkinz day? That’s exciting stuff, hope I don’t forget to log in on the 29th of April!!

  2. 7debbie7 says:

    March Looks Marvelous! Thanks Ganz.

  3. kagonos276 says:

    Seriously, honest to goodness, freaking out about the new Canada Goose!! Woohoo!! So excited for this! I’ve been waiting for this amazing pet since it was first shown. THANK YOU!! <3 Can't wait for all the exciting things in April!

  4. sparklestar24 says:

    This an overwhelming amount of stuff going on…. I’m excited! Lol

  5. FoxesRule612 says:

    HOLY. SMOKES. I have not seen a more jam-packed month since….since…well, probably since 2015!! WOW wow wow!!! Will DEFINITELY be logging in a lot in March!

  6. unicornkeiko7 says:

    I am SO excited for March and April!! Thank you Webkinz for keeping my childhood alivel!

  7. pittiesrule says:

    I can’t wait to do wacky weekend, Wshop challenge, Webkinz News Week, Meet the Host Characters, Wishing Well 2 Challenge, Magic W event, Saint Patrick’s Day, Player Appreciation Day, Antique Shop & Tea Party. Are the Kiwi Medallions being retired? If so, PLEASE leave the Kiwi with the medallion pets for a while. I can’t wait to see what the Twenty Year Tiger looks like. I can’t wait to get the Year 20 Banquet Hall. I can’t wait to do the Host Challenges, too.

  8. lakevillegrandma says:

    Those are some amazing freebies! This is going to keep me busy during the month of March! Also, I can’t wait to learn more about that Year 20 Banquet Hall theme!

  9. 100dogs says:

    WOW this is a LOT going on in march and a TON for April you where not joking there will be a LOT of events though out 20 25. I have been waiting almost 5 years for webkinz turning 20 ever since webkinz turned 15 years old i have been waiting….. Is That the 20 year logo? and really want to THANK YOU SO MUCH for all that you do to keep Webkinz running with all of you who work at GANZ to keep Webkinz and Webkinz Next alive THANK you so MUCH i really like webkinz and it is so grate to see it expand over the years and improve. I really appreciate all the work you all must put into it to keep webkinz running THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

  10. bigtop71 says:

    Some exciting stuff here, but there’s too much crammed in/going on in March!!! x.x

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