Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – March 2025


Take a look at the calendar below to see what we have planned for the month:



Which event are you looking forward to the most? Let us know in the comment section below…


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67 Responses to Webkinz Classic Event Calendar – March 2025

  1. kalcan8 says:

    Wow! There are so many wonderful things to look forward to that I just may have to bookmark this page so I don’t miss any. My post would be way too long if I commented on my excitement about each event and prize, so I’m picking just one – it’s about time that there was a Canadian Goose in WW! The Ganz crew is in Canada. Your geese are everywhere, particularly right now as we head toward nesting season. Why not enjoy them in WW too? Every year around Mother’s Day, I go to the local park where I enjoy seeing all of the fluffy new goslings and ducklings with their parents. I can’t believe I will have the chance to win a webbie of one of these iconic birds. Thank you!

  2. iamawebkinzmom4 says:

    Wow so many great prizes in March. And I can not wait to get the Canadian Goose since I live in Canada!

  3. hogwarts90014 says:

    Can’t wait love webkinz!

  4. smokeethebear says:

    Wow – Love all the 20 year gifts and the New Banquet Hall. Can’t wait!! Thank you!!!

  5. lemony says:

    THANK YOU for making the 2oth anniversary of Classic, and the months leading up to it, so much fun.

  6. ensignbush says:

    This looks AMAZING!!! I couldn’t be more excited to celebrate Webkinz Day!! <3

  7. tuscan2007 says:

    WOW You guys are good. So many great challenges and prizes. Thanks.

  8. 4girlswithpets says:

    Just curious but will the twenty year tiger extend our standard membership like the decade dragon did? Or will I still have to enter another pet so I’m not a free player?

  9. jonquilles says:

    Wow!!! I’m so excited for March! It can be a dreary month outside, but thank you Webkinz for giving us so much to look forward to! You all are amazing!

  10. raggedyann1968 says:

    I am EXCITED!!!!! I LOVE ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!

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