Material Pick Packs!



When you’re crafting in Webkinz Next, there’s nothing better than having exactly the right materials! That’s where Material Pick Packs come in!


Did you know you can collect a Material Pick Pack every single day from the vending machine next to the Curio Shop in Kinzville?





Drag the Material Pick Pack into your pet’s home then click on it to choose your materials.



If you’re crafting something in particular then Pick Packs are the perfect option to choose the exact materials you need! Plus, if you’ve got a Season Task to open a Pick Pack, it’s always handy to stop by the Curio Shop and get your daily Material Pick Pack!




So be sure to collect Material Pick Packs every day so you’re never caught short when you’re crafting!




Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


4 Responses to Material Pick Packs!

  1. yeetpraylove says:

    I love that we’re using these meme formats now! It’s so fun!

  2. webkinzwizard02 says:

    Please bring back the crafting back on the Wheel of Wow!!!

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