365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues


Webkinz Newz is celebrating the 10 anniversary of Webkinz by giving away a prize EVERY DAY this year!


Look for the Floaty-Clicky icon on Webkinznewz.com and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day:



Remember to log into Webkinz World on April 29th and join in the Webkinz Day festivities!


What’s your favorite prize this week? Please leave your comments below…


188 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues

  1. paoddbeartashiekins says:

    OMG I didn’t check the entire thing until just now and the floatyclicky on my bday (2morrow) is SOOOOOOOOOO pretty! LOve it! FaithHopePeaceAndLOve4EVER, tashiekins

    • paoddbeartashiekins says:

      The skirt is a beauty! If you want nice-matching-with-crazy-articles, try the skirt, the new Boys Polka Dot Shirt, aqua lace flats, and the fedora. a bit off maybe but still. FaithHopePeace&Love2Uall4ever, tashiekins

  2. momz54 says:

    April 4th White Hat floaty isn’t working today. Tried all day for just one and never saw it. They haven’t updated news either. Still showing Deluxe day. Hope they give us the 2 gifts if they don’t fix it for tomorrow so we can get the white hat :)

  3. dama99 says:

    Yeah! I found the blue fedora hat! :)!

  4. gigiliz says:

    you won, I lost and I gave up looking for floaty too!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. gigiliz says:

    my brother and sister looked for floaty everywhere and gave up looking, I looked everywhere and cannot found any too. can you fix it, please?

  6. amcaramelo says:

    Webkinz makes great dresses! I love Monday’s dress!

  7. peacepuppy22 says:

    then why are you reassuring us that there a duck beak and a radio if you don’t even know? and PS youre wrong its a duck beack HAT

  8. Cistransunite says:

    I love these prizes :)

  9. fluff54 says:

    When I receive the dress I can send it to someone! I don’t normally dress my pets in dresses! I’m the one and only ~MLZ2004~ I’ll send it to someone!

  10. marinawaterd59 says:

    Hey guys, I’m officially on Spring Break! I just came to tell you that if you get Carrot Chair, you may want to put it in an open space. Boy, those Webkinz sure can jump on chairs!

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