365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues


Webkinz Newz is celebrating the 10 anniversary of Webkinz by giving away a prize EVERY DAY this year!


Look for the Floaty-Clicky icon on Webkinz Newz and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day:



Remember to log into Webkinz World on April 29th and join in the Webkinz Day festivities!


What’s your favorite prize this week? Please leave your comments below…


126 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues

  1. paoddbeartashiekins says:

    Hey guys, I missed the dress. Is there anything I can send you?

  2. coopercow says:

    Can SOMEONE PLEASE send me the dress! My username is vtrkipopydead!

  3. coopercow says:


  4. paoddbeartashiekins says:

    Aw. My comment never got approved. It was like 4 or 5 and I was (sssshhhh) finishing homework I’d forgotten to do. I couldn’t sleep so Ginger and I were on webkinz and Ganz. Anyway I said I luv 2days dress oh and btw I’m now officially 11 yrs old!

  5. NerdKitty567 says:

    Sorry this is random but if anyone has deluxe clothing plz send some to me. Username on WW is still NerdKitty567.

  6. webkinzpupcat says:

    Cool prizes! I like the red dress for Monday!

  7. crystalkinz18 says:

    I love all of these! I just got the Red Sparkle Dress and my pets and I love it! Its my second dress but its always good to have another one! :)

  8. Raven578 says:

    Awesome love the 7th!!! XD

  9. monster_high says:

    Can some one please give me the red dress from the 6th I will give you something in return. Thank you. WeWebkinz name pugerlien

  10. gumdrop4318 says:

    I like the red dress-I got it and it looks AWESOME!

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