365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues


Webkinz Newz is celebrating the 10 anniversary of Webkinz by giving away a prize EVERY DAY this year!


Look for the Floaty-Clicky icon on Webkinz Newz and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day:



Remember to log into Webkinz World on April 29th and join in the Webkinz Day festivities!


What’s your favorite prize this week? Please leave your comments below…


126 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues

  1. birdfolks9 says:

    I am a sub teacher and for a couple of years I helped 12 kids play, so now that they have moved on I up keep the accounts, so I have done them everyday and have everything times 12, some of the items like the zodiac costumes where from year or two ago, if I can help a few I have everything I think from 2008 till today.. Happy late Easter…

  2. camera173 says:

    I have a question on Tuesday when I got my sounds of spring stereo I tried to put it in one of my rooms and when I was draggin it and went to drop it in my room it disappeared I went to another room then went back and it still wasnt there I even logged out and logged back in and it still wasnt in my room or dock it just disappeared completely is this a glitch? I mean I can probably find another one in the clubhouse buts thats IF anyone has one to trade that wouldve looked good in my bloomin room but it disappeared and I dont know what happened to it

  3. coopercow says:

    WHERE IS THE FLOATIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. coopercow says:

    Dear Ganz, Please make the floatie appear! Thank you.

  5. DrifterTEN says:

    Does anyone have an extra red dress from yesterday they can send me? Thanks so much! Username is the same on ww as here

  6. coopercow says:


  7. coopercow says:

    GANZ MAKE THE BOOM BOX APPEAR! I NEED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. rraccoons says:

    Anyone want 2 friend me my un is rraccoons

    • birdfolks9 says:

      Why do you need more friends?? are you needing them to do better in the game or do you need a item? Just wondering, you can friend me if you like, if anyone would, I do have a deluxe account of 8 years

  9. gre641499 says:

    it looks like i missed some prizes

  10. balloonfishy12 says:

    Does anyone have the red dress from the 6 I missed it my username is balloonfishy12 friend me please then send it to me I can send u something back if you want.

    • birdfolks9 says:

      I am a sub teacher and for a couple of years I helped 12 kids play, so now that they have moved on I up keep the accounts, so I have done them everyday and have everything times 12, some of the items like the zodiac costumes where from year or two ago, if I can help a few I have everything I think from 2008 till today.. Happy late Easter…

      • 1Emerald1 says:

        Wow, birdfolks9, that’s awesome! If you find you have too many Rockerz plushies, I’m trying to collect them! (So far I have the lion). Is there anything you’re still looking for? My user is emeraldlyn if you want to friend me. Happy Easter!

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