365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues!


Congratulations to Webkinz for turning 10! To celebrate, we’re giving away prizes all year long!


Look for the Floaty-Clicky icon here on webkinznewz.com and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day:



What’s your favorite prize this week? Please leave your comments below…


130 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues!

  1. bob2343 says:

    Does anyone have any extra 26 and 27 dresses?! My user is ahorsekelley. I will send an item in return.

  2. schroedinger says:

    I like wed 27 prize

  3. ImaPepper says:

    Aw, man! I missed Wednesday’s dress! I’ve been so busy–I really wanted that one…if anyone would like to trade theirs, I’d really appreciate it.

  4. rocohoneypie says:

    to bad i missed the 26 day one but at least i got the two before that one and the one after.

  5. j1k1s1 says:

    iI also need January march and April. I know I should check more often I’m sorry. if you have those birthstone lamps I need them please. xoxo j1k1s1 (my user is j1k1s1)

  6. chinagirlac says:

    I missed the turquoise skirt on day 13. If anyone could please send it to me, I will be happy to send you something in return. My username is ChinagirlAC. Thank you.

  7. MEGWEBKINZ says:

    OMG I LOVE IT ALL!!! I really appreciate that ganz is doing this! Thnx ganz! :) ~Hug a Pug~

  8. lfrank says:

    @Gennelle , Today’s Webkinz Newz Prize Pretty Flower Dress can’t be sent as a gift ? Why is this , can you please fix Webkinz.

  9. Katf15 says:

    How many color shirts and hats are they going to make?!!! LOL

  10. joeygirl1 says:

    The dresses!

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