365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues!


Look for the floating icon here on Webkinz Newz and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day:



What’s your favorite prize this week? Please leave your comments below…


171 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues!

  1. SignatureIsland says:

    OMG! I like all the prizes, believe me, but I ESPECIALLY want 29, and 2-4. The cooler and chair will be great for my Beach House Theme when it comes back.

  2. 30064gEB says:

    I so want the 30th

  3. 1Emerald1 says:

    My fav for this week is the entire Diving outfit. Next week’s is the armchair with the seashell pattern, so glad for a chance to get another one of those! Is anyone else having issues in the Magical Forest this morning? I can get in, but when I visit Alyssa’s Star Challenge, there are…….NO STARS. Leaving me to jump to the inevitable conclusion that Nafaria has stolen them all! HORRORS.

  4. fluteplayer2011 says:

    Loving the daily prizes! I look forward to finding something new every day!

  5. TheMamaDragon2 says:

    Can’t wait for the hammock/bed, cooler, and chair.

  6. CaramelKisses33 says:

    Love the bow on the 29th and the chair on the 4th! And I can’t wait for another birthstone lamp!!!

    • CaramelKisses33 says:

      I was just wondering also… if anyone has an extra pair of cloud wings from last week? I missed it because I was at a family reunion yesterday and was really looking forward to it. If anyone could be so kind to send it-that would be awesome. My username is mintz33. (:

  7. PEBBLES1973 says:

    Thank you GANZ. for everything you all do for us.

  8. owllover03 says:

    I love all of next weeks prizes!

  9. warriors2002 says:

    My favorite prizes of the weeks include: Friday the 26th and Saturday the 27th, Tuesday the 30th and Saturday the 4th (of July)! I love these collections, they make a great asset to my rooms! *~Warriors2002~*

  10. Shadow_Wolf_Rises says:

    Ooh! I love that Zum bomber jacket! ALSO, NOTE TO THOSE I’VE BEEN SENDING RARE/VALUABLE FOOD TO: I’ve more or less run out, but I suppose I can still send you recipes and sometimes I find weird food recipes. But, just so you know, you may not always get super-awesome or rare things from me, kay? Kay. Thanks. ^^ See ya’ll ’round!

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