365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues…


Webkinz is turning 10 on April 29th! To celebrate, we’ll be giving away a prize EVERYDAY throughout the year, right here on Webkinz Newz! Look for the Floaty-Clicky icon on Webkinznewz.com and click on it to claim your daily prize. The icon will look like the prize being awarded that day.


Check out this week’s prizes:



What prize are you looking forward to the most? Please leave your comments below…


110 Responses to 365 Days of Give-A-Ways Continues…

  1. rainbowloombff101 says:

    I love last weeks prizes they are pretty nice especially those violet roses

  2. nmm033 says:

    i never see any of them floating around

  3. gigiliz says:

    i made already over 25 click and cannot get anywhere floaty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Please fix it this floaty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. granmabear says:

    won’t let me have any hearts….boo hoo

  5. stephanie666 says:

    But I missed all of them up to Friday! ):

  6. stephanie666 says:

    I want this weeks prizes so much! I love the bed!

  7. chaseywayz says:

    Sunday the 15th I love microphones!

  8. spfei says:

    did anyone get the prize for Wednesday? I didn’t log on that day, if anyone is willing to trade, I would trade you anything you want. I really wanted that prize, and I will give you anything you want in webkinz world

  9. Anastasia3 says:

    I can’t wait for the bed! :)

  10. 5dimaio5 says:

    I can’t get alot of the prizes because the floaty thing won’t appear. I keep getting the floaty candy and floaty heart but the item of the day won’t show up. I waited and waited for it and chaged pages and waited again. I’ve signed out and back in again… I’ve tried everything and floaty item won’t appear. And I’ve stayed on for well over an hour sometimes 2 and still no floaty item. Now I’ve missed a couple of the good items that I wanted. I did see in other posts that others are having same problem. What’s up Webkinz Newz? Can’t someone fix this? It’s not like we can even trade to get items because everyone is only allowed one a day. I really wish they would fix this! There are a few items I really want next week. please help!

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