A Piece of Webkinz History

Check out the Unseen Original 3D Art!

Back in 2003, in our earliest days of development, Webkinz World looked very different.


Initially, Webkinz was brought to life with rendered 3D designs. Our pets and characters were planned to be rendered 3D as well, but we quickly realized that this direction wasn’t working.


For example, take a look at this rendering of the original bedroom:

Early versions of the bedroom didn’t offer many customization options, and items were just added like stickers. Our early testers made it clear that they wanted more control over their home.

Plus, check out this rendering of the original Adoption Center:


These early designs lacked the warmth we wanted and were large files that took too long to display. The lack of Ms. Birdy made the center seem empty and lifeless.

In the end, our team scrapped months of work and made massive changes in order to transform Webkinz into the colorful and dynamic world of play that you can still enjoy today.

Download Webkinz Next now — available for iOS, MacOS, Android and Windows 10.


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