A Special Message to our Members!

Ganz is proud to announce that starting on January 19th, 2011, Webkinz World accounts will no longer expire.

That’s right, from January 19th on, when your Full Membership ends, you will be able to continue to play with all of your pets, items and rooms! While some features will be limited to Full and Deluxe Members, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite arcade games and daily activities and use many of the great features that Webkinz has to offer.

Better yet, we’re making this change to accounts past and present! Any account that has expired in the past year will be opened again! Know someone who hasn’t played in a while? Let them know that on January 19th they’ll be able to log in! All of their pets will be there waiting for them!

We have lots of great improvements and surprises in store for 2011 so there’s never been a better time to “Come In and Play!”

247 Responses to A Special Message to our Members!

  1. Ashley says:

    You know when i said i was all happy and stuff,well im also kind of scared, what limits are there?

  2. Ashley says:

    Thank you soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much,i was afraid that i’d never see webkinz again when i saw that webkinz acconts expiered.

  3. ilovepuppies says:

    Thank you ganz our account was almost expiring but you saved us:) my little brother is 5 and he is so excited so thank you . but does anyone know what limitations we have??

  4. Fuzzy Hamsters says:

    My sister has caught won of those floating roses, and when she tried to get the rose, it said she couldn’t becuase her account was expired!!! What is wrong here? I thought accounts didn’t expire!?! If anyone can help me or my sister, please respond to this comment.

    Yours Truly,
    Fuzzy Hamsters

  5. PersianCat590 says:

    I honestly don’t like this new feature. I mean you’ll stil have your account and it’ll never expire…but here’s the catch: With limited features. I wish it said something about if you buy a new pet for your expired account that it’ll renew all of the features instead of having an account with limited features. I mean,only Deluxe/Full memberships get all of the features…doesn’t this sound…I don’t know, scammish? To get people to buy the Deluxe/Full membership to get all features? I use to be a Deluxe member but it expired. I don’t want to keep asking my mom for money and such. Because I already have 33 pets and now I don’t have to buy more. But that was the fun part of Webkinz,you had to go out and buy Webkinz to get more things. Not a Deluxe membership just to be special and stuff..
    Now it’s kind of ruined…but I’ll continue playing.

  6. little rat says:

    how do we get the deluxe membership

  7. jordyn says:


  8. Nikita says:

    Wow!!!!!!!! i mean this is sooooo awesome. thank you Webkinz. Now me and my best friend can finally play together. this is because my friend’s account had expired so i could’nt play.
    thanks a ton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Cherryz says:


  10. sarahk says:

    Do you have to be a Deluxe member for your account not to expire?

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