A Whole New Year of Questions!

Quizzy is pleased to announce a whole new year of Questions in the Question Corner. Just click on “Calendar Trivia” and get ready to be challenged. There’s also a special Daily Bonus Question that gives out TWICE as much KinzCash as usual (that’s TEN KinzCash per question!). If you want to earn and learn, visit Quizzy today!

47 Responses to A Whole New Year of Questions!

  1. heyotis says:

    hello i really like to anser the stuff

  2. Lillyana39 says:

    I think Quizzy’s is a great way to earn lots of kinzcash and you can learn a lot of new things that you may never have heard about before. I am an adult and sometimes the questions stump me, but that is how I learn new things!! Using your mind is a great thing to do for any age. I try to use it every chance of have spare time from doing the daily activites. Great game and lots of kinzcash. Just make sure you use the appropriate age level if you want to make a lot of kinzcash

  3. Msdrea says:

    I wish I could still play quizzy’s. =( I finished up all of the questions over a year ago, and I got done with the discovery ones soon after they came out. The only things I can do on there now are signature safari, calendar, and daily. They REALLY need to get more questions. But a person has to be crazy not to like Quizzy’s. You get a lot of kinzcash for little effort.I can understand not being the biggest fan of it if you are really young. But for everybody else, there is no excuse. There are things I’ve learned on Quizzy’s that I never even learned in high school or college! Plus, it’s really fun. If you did it enough, you could even use it as your main source of income on the site.

  4. Kaylee says:

    Please Join my Twilight Fan Club. I only have three members counting myself. So please join. Just tell me if u r Vamps or Werewolves thanks a bunch Kaylee.

  5. piggyabbydog says:

    as soon as i get alot more friends i’ll throw 3 pizza parties!!!!!!!!!!
    hope you can come!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. skyler says:

    how do you get quizzy to be your friend?

  7. gabriela lima lopes says:

    i dont like quizzys

  8. woofwoof says:

    I have never been a fan of Quizzys

  9. Wolfy says:

    I love Quizzy’s. It gives me a lot of kinzcash. Too bad I end up spending up spending it all at once!

  10. 2000licorice says:

    i hate quizzys should not have it went on my age questions were so hard had to get dad to do it for me i bet his year will be even worse anyway if u read this please either change questions or let it go

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