Account Safety Reminder

For the safety of your account, and the safety of the site overall, we must remind all of our players to never give out your password to a third-party other than your parent or our Customer Service team. Whether that’s a friend,  a cousin, someone you met online, or a website promising you gifts, your password must be protected. Giving out your password is a violation of the User Agreement.


It is also a violation of the User Agreement to use Webkinz or affect your account in any way not intended by the game itself. Doing so can lead to your account being permanently closed, or having your progress cleared (including removing items).


You can read the full User Agreement here.


At Webkinz, safety is extremely important to us, and we’ve made our rules with safety in mind. We thank all of our great players for playing within those rules.

52 Responses to Account Safety Reminder

  1. llamakinzzz123 says:

    thanks, I’ll make sure to be safe!!

  2. BrightnSinging2Carrots says:

    All righty. I’ll be extra careful. Thank you for making sure we’re safe, Ganz! :)

  3. cvasko says:

    thank you we are safe and sound..

  4. kiwikat says:

    Thank you Webkinz I will do my part, I don’t want anything to happen to my accountssss. Love you :)

  5. Fracktail says:

    Oh phew, I saw the title and my first thought was that a hacker was on the loose or something. Glad to see that’s not the case. I don’t know what could have prompted this warning, but it’s a good warning nonetheless. I’ve seen people get bamboozled into giving their account information to shady sites that promise free stuff, and it never ends well. Stay safe, everyone!

  6. FoxesRule612 says:

    Thanks for the good reminder. I know that there are places online where people will pretend to look like something good (for example, a code for a really cool item that is outside of WKN) or anything else. It’s very dangerous when people actually risk their own account just to get a single code. About 100% of the time it’s a scam. Do NOT pay attention to these sites. They are dangerous ESPECIALLY when they ask for ALL of your personal info. The reason why people do this is because they think kids are more stupid and gullible than adults, so they try and trick the child into doing things like these. Thank you for keeping Webkinz World a good, friendly site to play on! =^^=

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