African Chimpanzee Winners

Congratulations to Demongirl10, warren71, Miranda488, MochaPupperoni, and momlovespurple! They’ve each been sent an Adoption Code for a virtual African Chimpanzee.


Adopt the African Chimpanzee any time in February to get a Pet of the Month loot bag, filled with prizes and a special prize you can pick yourself!



Have you heard of our virtual Pet of the Month Club? Get 12 Adoption Codes (1 each month) delivered right to your email!

26 Responses to African Chimpanzee Winners

  1. gr84me2 says:

    Congratulations winners.This is an awesome pet!!

  2. cat2f says:

    Congrats everyone! I completely forgot about this contest! Oh well, maybe next time. Congrats everyone again! :)

  3. puppies4me says:

    Congratulations winners! @Demongirl10, I’m so very happy for you! It’s fun to read how excited, happy, and grateful you are that you won! >{^;^}<

  4. webkinz04 says:

    Congrats everyone!

  5. animalsmatter1 says:

    Congratulations to all the winners this month!

  6. Furretts says:

    congrats winners!

  7. bubbashuka says:

    Congrats, winners! :)

  8. ilovemoonie says:

    Congratulations, winners!! Enjoy your new pet!! :D

  9. Matoaca113 says:

    On today’s Peek-A-Newz, will the Be Mine Sneakers be added directly to my Webkinz account, or will I receive a WKN box? I don’t see a box in my dock, and I already had the sneakers in my dock, so I don’t know if I received my prize for today or not. Thanks for clearing things up.

  10. Demongirl10 says:

    I WON? I REALLY WON?!? I’m so happy I could cry!! I enter every month but I never thought I’d actually win a pet! Thank you so much Ganz, I can’t wait to add my new chimpanzee to my Webkinz family! :’)

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