Announcing… Webkinz Desktop!

As most of you know, browser support for the Flash plug-in will be ending in 2020. When this happens, you will no longer be able to start up Chrome or Firefox and play Webkinz. At the end of 2017 we made a small announcement that we were developing a desktop version of our mobile application to deal with the end of browser support. That application was completed, but we weren’t very happy with it. Screens designed for small phones don’t look great when blown up on a large monitor, and more importantly, what was going to happen to great sections like the Curio Shop, Wish Factory and the Clubhouse that aren’t in our mobile version? We knew we could do better. So we dug deep, got creative, and we can now show you this…





This is the new Webkinz Desktop.  This version includes everything that Webkinz has to offer – all the games, items, and features – because it IS Webkinz. Webkinz Desktop still uses Flash –  do not delete the plug-in! – but doesn’t require a browser to play the game.


And Webkinz has never looked better! You’ll be able to play Webkinz full screen to see your pet’s rooms even closer. Complete challenges, enjoy all of our events, join friends in the park – it’s all there!


Webkinz Desktop is nearing completion. To ensure that we haven’t missed anything, we will be running a small private beta test in about three weeks. Once that is complete, we will release the application to everyone! Webkinz Desktop is currently for Windows only, but we do plan to make a Mac version available soon after.


We are very excited for the release of Webkinz Desktop, as it will allow us to continue to provide a great Webkinz experience for years to come.

286 Responses to Announcing… Webkinz Desktop!

  1. rockitboom says:

    Does this mean you can FINALLY bring back Mazin’ hamsters? because it won’t matter that browsers don’t support unity web player, I REALLY hope you’ll consider it because Mazin’ hamsters was one of (if not THE) best game I’ve ever played

    • lemony says:

      that would be amazing :)

    • pinkiecupcake says:

      That would be really cool, but I’m not putting it at the top of my wish list right now. So long as I can continue seeing my pets and playing with them the way I have for more than 12 years, that is good enough for me!

    • jsforfr says:

      That would be so great, I do miss playing mazin hamsters all the time. I won’t get my hopes too high but who knows, maybe one day it could happen.

    • barkopinko1916 says:

      it’s not that browser’s don’t support unity player; unity is one of the most used applications for developing games nowadays. the unity version they used to develop it though was outdated, however, too much work to keep up for too little gain. i miss them too, but don’t get your hopes up.

  2. kinzking says:

    if i am reading and understanding it correct, webkinz will have a desktop shortcut and upon double clicking it as if it were any other pc game, you are loaded into the webkinz game itself with it full screen. no start bar, no background, just webkinz. am i reading that right?

    • Sally Webkinz says:

      Yes. This is correct. It is an application that you will launch from your desktop or start menu. It will start the game directly in full screen. There is no windowed mode.

      • barkopinko1916 says:

        is there potential for a windowed mode in the future? Some of us like to play webkinz while doing other things, it’d be nice to have the option to have it windowed, even if the resolution doesn’t change

  3. oldyellerjr says:

    Thanks, This is SO exciting to here!! I Love Love my pets and am looking forward to this. I Love all the new exciting changes :)

  4. scooper2020 says:

    Thank you so much. I don’t know what I would do without Webkinz.

  5. 8821ted says:

    Does this mean we will still be able to use our desk top computer. I’m not very good with electronics. It’s a stupid question.

  6. bella201223 says:

    Thank you so much for thinking creatively and taking your time with this. Webkinz is my childhood and still my favorite past time- it’s actually what inspired me to pursue architecture and interior design. I’m happy to continue in the future <3

  7. kkofoed says:

    OMG, I’m so relieved! I’m so thankful and grateful for all your guys’s efforts in making this possible!

  8. giggles192 says:

    Thanks Ganz!! I don’t know what I would do without Webkinz!!!!! :)

  9. Vanillabunnya says:

    I’m so relieved to hear about this. All my childhood games, including Amazing World (which I played since the beta!) have been closed down, and as Webkinz will always be my favorite, I’ve been so worried it would disappear. I’m looking forward to this! ^-^

  10. 2WebMomz says:

    Thank you! I would be devastated if Webkinz was unavailable, I’m so glad that you’re able to keep it going!

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