April’s Featured Webkinz Pets!

77 Responses to April’s Featured Webkinz Pets!

  1. lazygal says:

    I already have a name for this Dalmatian pet and his name is Marshall from Paw Patrol. I have the other dalmatians too but they are different names from a different show or just random names I think of that is.

  2. curbo says:

    Oh my goodness, I might die from cuteness overload because of how adorable these pets are! I really want that Dalmatian! I just want to take it and hug it. *tries to grab dalmatian out of screen* Oh wait, It’s not April yet. Noooo!!!!

  3. FennecFox says:

    Awesome! Cute and AWESOME. :D

  4. lemony says:

    How Cool, and Earth day pet…adorable…

  5. 90skidzrule says:

    I love the panda! The Dalmatian looks like a new version of the original but it’s still cute and I’m so excited that the cheer pup is the pet of the month next month! I haven’t had any pets of the month these past couple years and now I finally do! :) It’ll be great to participate in the extra activities again!

  6. ilovemlp22 says:

    Wow! My guesses were really close! I was right about the dalmatian (so cute!) and I guessed that the panda was a global earth day pet! -ilovemlp22

    • megamom12 says:

      Mine were not! I thought the panda was a bird and the dalmatian was a rabbit!

    • Twizi says:

      I guessed the Panda correct, and the Dalmatian! Took me a while to figure out the Panda, but for a SECOND when I closed out Webkinz Newz a few days ago I noticed an ad with the panda on it. Didn’t see it for more than a second, but I figured that was it XD

  7. iloveitso says:

    Hmmmm nice new batch of pets. I think i will get the cheer pup i have never gotten the pet of the month. I like the salt and pepper Dalmation.

  8. winterwarriorwolf says:

    Awh<3 So cute!! I love the new pets! There are a lot of pets on my "want@ list, and these two are now on it! (: I hope I can get one of them at some point ^_^

  9. kbk100 says:

    Awww! So cute! I love the new Dalmatian! That Panda is pretty cute too! I love the way it’s positioned! :)

  10. TaffyKitty12 says:

    Whoa… The global panda and the salt and pepper Dalmatian are sooooo cute!!! :D I’m so glad another panda was *finally* made :) And, even though I’m not the biggest fan of a new dog being made almost every month, I must say, I love that salt and pepper Dalmatian!!! ^•^

    • TaffyKitty12 says:

      Looks like I know two pets that are going to be on birthday wish list ^•^

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        *I meant to add the word “my” before the word “birthday”. Sorry! I skipped a word :/

      • _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

        Yep! =] These are so cute! I think I may have to get the Pepper Dlamation, since I have the Pink Dalmation. They look super similar, like brother and sister! They should totally make a Blue Dlamation, too. =] Also, the panda.. So cute! I like that it sits like a teddy bear. Very nice! This month’s pets are Emie approved. ;D

        • winterwarriorwolf says:

          Yeah, I have the normal dalmation, and it’d be cute to get this one as well (:

        • TaffyKitty12 says:

          I agree! This month’s pets are just… Wow! So adorable! I love the lil Global Panda! It is so cute! And like you mentioned, the position it sits in makes it even more adorable, if such a thing is even possible! And that Salt and Pepper Dalmation… Aww…. It’s too cute to resist!!! /(•.•)\ <—- cute Dalmation face! To be honest, I love both of these pets a lot!! I hope I get can both of 'em one day!! ^•^ :D

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            And same here, winterwarriorwolf! The only other Dalmation I have is the original version (I named him Lucky), and I always wanted to get another Webkinz Dalmation since…. I’ve been thinking of getting the pink one… But now, if I get another Webkinz Dalmation, I think I’ll have to choose the Salt and Pepper one (not to say the pink Dalmation isn’t great either; I’d still love to get it!) :) This new Dalmation is so so so cute!!! :D :D :D

          • SignatureIsland says:

            They’re both cute! But how does salt and pepper relate to Dalmatians? :\

          • RosyFox says:

            I’m not sure, Signature. I think I would’ve named it the “Spotty Dotty Dalmatian” or something like that, instead of “Salt and Pepper Dalmatian”. Ganz may want to consider improving the quality of the names. Just a recommendation. :)

          • FennecFox says:

            yeah, that lil panda is a cutie!!!! :D

          • FennecFox says:

            XD signatureIsland i really dont know… but i think they did that because Salt is white and Pepper is black lol :P

          • TaffyKitty12 says:

            I don’t know. Maybe they’re referring to the color? The white fur kinda looks like salt and the black fur patches kinda look like pepper… Maybe that’s why?

    • RosyFox says:

      These are pretty cute, but I’m not sure which one I like better. I’m also not sure if I’ll be asking for either of these pets, but nice job, Ganz! Thanks for thinking about us panda lovers (even though this one isn’t my #1 favorite). :)

      • RosyFox says:

        Maybe it’s just that these pets aren’t really “me”. :) That’s okay, though. I’m sure that there’s a bunch of people who are going absolutely crazy over these pets right now, and I feel really happy for them. These are pretty cute, considering some of the pets that they’ve made in the past. ;D

        • FoxesRule612 says:

          Yeah, I agree with you, RosyFox. These pets just don’t seem to be ones that I would get either but they’re still super cute! I think the only newer pets I picture buying are the Red Velvet fox and the Lovely Fox. I actually managed to get the Red Velvet one not too long ago!! He’s addddoooooreable!!!!! =^^= and super squishy!!

    • RosyFox says:

      I hope you can get both of them, Taffy! I agree that they’re super cute, but, I don’t know, I just don’t really see myself buying them. It’s great that you’re in love with the two of them! :D

      • TaffyKitty12 says:

        Aw, thanks, RosyFox! :D And it’s okay! Everyone likes different Webkinz pets :) And yeah, I’m so glad Ganz made another panda! Pandas are one of my favorite animals ^•^

        • Twizi says:

          I agree, RosyFox, these are adorable, just not me. I’m more into the ones with prints on them, like the Music N Dance Pup, CHeer pup, Love Puppy, Clover Puppy, Peace Out Puppy, etc, and Signatures. But these ARE adorable!

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