Ask the Creative Director!





Here’s your chance  to ask our Creative Director your most pressing questions! Just ask them in the comments section below. He will pick twenty to respond to and we’ll post his answers here tomorrow.

Will your question be chosen? Only one way to find out – come back tomorrow and see!

440 Responses to Ask the Creative Director!

  1. kim says:

    webkinz is played on the computer ofcourse……so why is there no computer in the w shop ???
    theres crayons, tvs, sterios but no computer

  2. webkinz user says:

    Will we ever be able to buy the 1000 KC Coin from the WShop for 1000 KC? Sometimes I would like to gift KC to my friends and right now there is no way to do that unless I win a Coin. It would be nice to be able to buy a Coin….even if they are not the 1000 ones that you can win. Could you think about adding different coins for us to buy? Thanks.

    • lpndutcher says:

      Just wondering if I did something wrong when I sent this question in cause it says “webkinz user” instead of my webkinz login name? If I did something wrong I would like to know so i don’t do it again! Thanks!

  3. virtualpawprints says:

    For those that already own the POTM, could you add a section to wish machine for those that cannot get a loot bag but would allow owners of the PTOM to pick a POTM Exclusive from the Wish Machine.

    Have you ever considered adding a sent folder to the KinzPost?

    The Key to Kinzville challenges were fun. Have you considered making a Challenge Room for Quests or Hunts in the Clubhouse to win items in WW?

    I see that Ganz is creating several new worlds similar to Webkinz. Will this affect Webkinz World?

    Thank you for the chance to ask you some questions.

  4. 96Ariel says:

    Why are the activities that only deluxe members can do in the sections for nondeluxe members. There was an ad on the side of my Whimsy Skies. There was no sign that said it was for members only. Then I got to the arcade and it said it was for deluxe members ONLY. That was so misleading. It should have have the title and the deluxe membership logo. I was in the middle of a trade and I would not have exited the trade for a game that was for deluxe members only. I was so upset because I was getting something I really wanted and then I did not get it because the room was full and I could not get back in to that same room. The same thing happened with Stardrops. I was on a vacation and I left. That is not very fair. I was not happy.

  5. webkinz user says:

    Hello creative director! I have a some questions that I just have to ask.

    Are there going to be any new additions to Webkinz World in the future? (Other than new pets, exclusives, etc.)
    What is your favorite thing about being the creative director?
    Will there be any partnerships in the future? Like you guys did with Fox for Alvin and the Chipmunks.
    When will the glitch with Bamboo Break be fixed?
    Will you bring back any old arcade games back, like Skater Cat?
    And for my final question, have you considered making an American Curl or Selkirk Rex Webkinz? I’d buy them as soon as they came out if that happened!

    Many, many, many thanks

  6. Chaclatecoacoa says:

    Can you make some free challenge pets like if you get 10,000 points in every game and you earn a new pet like a accomplishment labordoodle.
    Or you can make it so if you collect 50 stamps you will get a collector cat

  7. webkinz user says:

    `Will we ever get to customize our own furniture?
    For example, we can buy blank, plain wood couches and chairs, and then go to a “workshop” section, and choose our paint colours, decorations etc.

    `Will there ever be more floating item events?
    Like, there could be a Halloween one, where there’s a ghost floating around, & you have to collect so many candies or whatnot. Kinda like Spooky in the clubhouse, but as a floating ghost, or hamster or something?

  8. hopy25 says:

    I was wondering if all the stars we are collecting on Alyssa’s Star Challenge will be used for another game then just receiving the throne we get when we have all the stars. She is always talking about how she is glad to get the stars to spell with. Will there be another game like Doug the Dog who takes our gems now for prizes and we also can still get the Crown of Wonder. Will it be something to do with spelling??????? Thank You

  9. webkinz user says:

    I know you have said that sometime this year we will be able to move/remove doorways in our rooms. When approximately will that feature be added? I’m hoping that it’s sooner this year rather then later! Also, instead of adding new things with each update every two weeks, why not use one of those scheduled updates to fix the many glitches and existing problems with Webkinz World? One last question. Are there any plans to release a Webkinz White Tiger? I have been waiting for a few years now for a White Tiger to be released. I thought maybe one would be made as a Signature Endangered plush but it hasnt happened so far. Will one eventually be released? I would love to see more “real” pets released instead of all these made-up pets even if some of them are really cute! Thanks!

  10. Andy says:

    What updates are planned for webkinz world this year? Are all the characters in webkinz world real webkinz pets?