Baby Showcase #140

Happy Thursday! Can you believe it’s the last Thursday of June already? This year is flying by. There won’t be a baby showcase next Thursday, but I think you’re going to like what replaces it.


First up is this super fun Giraffe baby! The Cotton Candy Raccon face pattern is very clear on Giraffes that don’t have the facial spots and it’s super fun! This cutie has heart ears to match its heart legs and chest, zebra stripes on the back to mix things up, and the cute cotton candy pet patch. What a sweetie!


Next is this cute Gingerbread Puppy with the single black ear — this is a Holstein Cow trait and it looks adorable! I like the combination of the leopard spots and the rainbow leg flair — gives a nice bit of color and goes so well with that yellow gumdrop pet patch.


I still love Pixie Tigers, and this beautiful night tiger color looks great with the yellow feathers and orange pixie house pet patch. The giraffe spots are quite subtle in this color scheme, but they look great with that starry back. The shoulder flair is perfectly positioned, and the pink ears and blue eyes from the Cotton Candy Raccoon look perfect with this color scheme.


Another Pixie Tiger/Cotton Candy Raccoon pairing! This one got the super cool face mask from the Raccoon, which looks great with this midnight tiger color (my favorite for the Pixie Tigers!). The green eyes look lovely and the yellow ears contrast nicely. This Pixie Tiger has zebra stripes instead of anything tigery but I think it looks great! Did you spot the lily pad pet patch? There’s a frog somewhere in the history!


Look at this cute hybrid puppy! We’ve got zebra stripes, giraffe chest, and giraffe horns, and the ears have adorable little hearts on them.


This fun Moon Bear features Pixie Tiger feathers and the River Otter’s gorgeous dark eyes and fun rock pet patch. I love the crescent moon on the back, as well as the usual Moon Bear markings. Adorable pet!


Last but not least is this cute grey Holstein Cow, which features the Landrace Pig’s pink ears and music note pet patch, as well as that fun popcorn patterned chest. I love the look of those random patches, and the crimson eyes give this pet a very serious look. I have a couple of green cows, but I’d love to get a grey one!

That’s it for this week. Did you spark a giraffe last Friday? I ended up getting a rainbow colored Giraffe! I was pretty excited.

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11 Responses to Baby Showcase #140

  1. Pupz says:

    I’m saving up my gems for the next spark party! Spark parties are so awesome! I would love if you did more of them. Could you please make more, Sally?

  2. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, such cute babies! :)

  3. vespurrs says:

    I am still having issues with the daycare at Next. I sen my pets off and then they just… stay there. For days on end. Can this please be resolved somehow? I’m getting wary of using the daycare at all.

    • sally says:

      This issue is being investigated but in the meantime this is the workaround: 1.) Log in and wait at least a minute. 2.) Logout 3.) Log in and wait at least a minute. The kid should pop up then. To bypass this and use a faster workaround, make sure the kid is on a chair or bed before sending them to daycare. You’ll see a teddy bear where they were sitting/sleeping. When it’s time for them to come back from daycare, edit the furniture the teddy bear is on. The kid will pop right back.

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