Baby Showcase #142

Happy Thursday!

We had a great spark party on Monday, celebrating the Rocky Mountain Horse and the Timber Wolf. I ended up getting a pair of twin Timber Wolves and a super rare golden Rocky Mountain Horse! Did you join us? Did you spark? Let us know in the comments below!

First up is one of Mandy Webkinz’s cuties — I’ve always loved the hybrid pets and this one is particularly adorable, with the Giraffe ossicones and giraffe pattern on the chest. The silver eyes are so soft and sweet, and they look great with the pop of purple in the ears. The back has the bold electric back pattern, and there’s a touch more purple on the tail!

Next up is this slightly paler Timber Wolf baby — the beige fur color — it gets a bit of a different look from the Pixie Tiger face stripes and has a pink pixie house pet patch! This baby is verging on arctic — I bet it would look great in some winter gear!

Next up is this icy husky! It has the winter wonderland leg patches, and a cool arrow back pattern. The yellow heart pet patch stands out nicely, while the silver eyes here match the icy feel. The yellow shimmer ears have a bit of pink to them — almost a bit rainbow! Very subtle, but very nice!

Is there any icy trend? I love the white version of the Orange Tabby! Honestly, I think the sloth’s sleepy pet patch is just adorable here — I’m so happy that I have some sloth babies now after sparking with my Silver Toed Sloth. I look forward to these traits on other pets! The crimson eyes are bold here, but they feel very fitting. The standard leg fur from the sloth extends the white feet on this pet a lot more than you’d usually see — very neat!

Such purple! Again, I love a hybrid pet, and I love those Pixie Tiger feathers on other pets. The bold pink is particularly nice against the purples and pinks of this Tulip Pony. It’s fun how the green tulip pet patch coordinates with the green and blue eyes — always appreciate a coordinated pet!

We’ve got another lovely icy Timber Wolf — I love the hint of purple on the tail with this blue body color. The Cocker Spaniel face pattern and eyes give this wolf a very unique look, too.

Last but not least, we have the brightest Moon Bear ever! I saw one of these yesterday and I still love the intensity of this cyan body color! This one has those awesome question mark swirls, and some tabby stripes. The party eyes really pop with this color scheme, and the face pattern is a bit different from the standard moon bear shape. The red paw heart patch just punctuates how much I love this pet!

That’s it for this week — which pet is your favorite? Let us know in the comments below!

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6 Responses to Baby Showcase #142

  1. strawberrycream12 says:

    I am kind of confused about two things when sparking. What does the generations mean? Are they useful for anything? How are they determined? Like if I had a generation 1 pet spark of an otter with a generation 4 spark of a husky, would it be a generation 5 no matter what? Or would it depend on if I got an otter or a husky? Also, I wish webkinz had a family tree. Like if I have a generation 4 husky, I would absolutely love to see what pets sparked what babies. If not, I would at least like it if the little card was attached of the original parents. Like when you click a stroller and it shows the baby and the two parents? I wish those were attached to our own pets so we could see their parents.

  2. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, such pretty babies! I was there on Monday- Squeaker Azureglow- it was so much fun! I sparked the yellow timber wolf at the beginning, then the purple timber wolf & the midnight blue pixie tiger at the end. I love watching everyone else spark babies, it’s fun to see the new babies- can’t wait for the next spark party! :)

  3. puppyluv9063 says:

    The beige color timber wolf is so pretty, it almost looks white!

  4. 20hreiling says:

    Such cute pets! My World Name on Next is flowerdreamleaf1 and I was there on monday for the fun spark party! I was able to spark my pinktastic lion and my lion with the cotton candy lion coloring to get a SUPER Cute Green Lion baby! <3

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