Baby Showcase #145

Happy Thursday! We’re halfway through August and enjoying the last couple of weeks of summer. We’re sending off August with a spark party on August 27, which happens to be National Banana Lovers Day. With a day like that, you know we’ll be sparking Chimpanzees!

But we’re not there yet — we’re kicking off this week with this cute Moon Bear. Inheriting the green shiny paws from a Cotton Candy Raccoon has given this cutie the cool lightning bolts on its ears and the striped pattern on its tail. This deep blue color is quite intense with those light pink eyes. Do you think this Moon Bear can see into the future?

Speaking of intense colors, check out this Pride Lion! I love the combination of the Cotton Candy Raccoons blue eyes and feet with the cotton candy body color (coincidence?!) — especially with that bold emerald gem pet patch. This lovely lion has my favorite shimmer tiger stripes, so it’s a winner in my book!

Yes, another Moon Bear! Now this one was deceptive from the front — I was drawn to the little cow horns, but I positively gasped when I turned it around. Those swirls are gorgeous! This beauty inherited the disco ball pet patch from a Fabulous Cow and this pet certainly is fabulous.

This beautiful blue Giraffe has some clear sky markings from a Moon Bear, along with the cute little chest patch. The fuchsia eyes go with the pink gloriosa pet patch, and the yellow ears are a lovely contrast to the blue.

What if Timber Wolf were a little bit frog? I love the frog’s sea green eyes and lily pad pet patch on this tan wolf. The zig zag pattern on the head gives this wolf a unique look, and there’s a touch of rainbow on the tail for a pop of color!

I can never resist a pretty purple cat, given my own avatar. I particularly enjoy the rainbow ear flair, which adds a very subtle bit of blue and magenta at the tips of the ears. This cutie got the Pixie Tiger eyes and pet patch, and a bit of sparkling magic with the shimmer tiger stripes. Love it!

Last but not least is this golden beauty! Another pet with the shimmer tiger stripes (I’m so envious!), this baby has the bold blessed by a rainbow back flair, silver eyes to go with the told, and the super rare golden pearl pet patch from a River Otter! This baby sure is a treasure!

That’s it for this week! I’ll be adopting a Chimpanzee in time for our next spark party — but I’m not sure what to name it. Leave your suggestions in the comments below!

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8 Responses to Baby Showcase #145

  1. Davids1lilpixie says:

    I wish Ganz would come up with a button or something so when we spark a baby, we can just click a button and submit a picture. I sparked a rare baby and lost my opportunity to submit a pic because I’m not well versed on how to do it. :(

  2. ncis09 says:

    What is with the bumps on the side of the timber wolf’s head? I sparked a wolf baby today, and it had approximately twenty bumps on each side of its head…looks like he got into a hornets’ nest. The bumps are distracting and not at all attractive.

  3. princesspowerz says:

    Thanks for featuring my purple kitten. XOXO MagicSilversky

  4. kalcan8 says:

    What a beautiful bunch of babies! Sally, I am excited for your spark party, and I am hoping that I will be free to attend. Some possible names for your chimpanzee are: George, Coco, Caesar, Bubbles, Julius, Tonka; space related – Ham (1st chimp in space), Enos (2nd chimp in space), Nasa, Uki (meaning – air, space), Buzz or Aldrin, Yuri, Comet, Rocket, Astro, or Cozmo. Will this be your first chimp? I’m sure that it will be a wonderful addition to your large webbie family!

  5. evnkittydogg0 says:

    Really cool unique babies :’3 I love that lion.

  6. BH1464 says:

    Opal Coppersky, what an amazing wolf! Congrats on such a bold colorful awesome baby!

  7. fancyduck58 says:

    Aw, pretty babies! :)

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