Return to school in style!
Shop at the Spirit Shop for awesome Kinzville Academy swag!
The Spirit Shop is located in the Kinzville Academy and it’s a great place to spend your School Ribbons! We’ve stocked the Spirit Shop with school supplies and exclusive school-themed items.
Collect items from four main outfits: Marching Band, Cheerleader, Track and Graduate.
If your pet is musically inclined, you can collect up to five cool instruments for them to master.
Some pets celebrate school spirit on the field and for them we have track and cheerleading uniforms.
Be sure to collect your graduation robe and hat for whenever your pet is ready to graduate.
Plus, the Spirit Shop carries some awesome educational items so that you can turn your home into a sweet study spot.
Items in the Spirit Shop refresh throughout the day so be sure to visit often.
Do you collect Spirit Shop items? Which outfit is your favorite? Please tell us in the comments.
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So far, I’ve made my own in Next, but a real school cafeteria theme would be awesome! Gym wallpaper and flooring, as well as gym equipment would be wonderful too. In Classic, these were some of the first rooms that I made. I would love to have them in my Next home.
My favorite is Dr. Quack’s Office Cabinet, wish it could be sent back to Classic.
will we ever be able to send these items back to classic, I hoped they would have fixed the classic school prize after you complete your ten classes you would get a great class room item for each class, I only got one, and not sure if they went away, it was the beauty desk, please maybe let us send back chairs, at least, think about it, love classic, and class rooms I love to have one for each subject and these could really make the classrooms awesome, thanks.
I’m about to have enough to get the bus finally :) I especially love the different chairs. I’ve used them a lot.
I love the science station and filing cabinet!
Will you be adding other items — such as school desks, whiteboards, teachers desk, teachers chair, etc.?
I second adding a white board. I really liked haunted high for the chalk board, but I could really use a regular non-spooky one as well.