Webkinz Berry Fest 2019



From June 17 – 28, celebrate Berry Fest in Webkinz World by collecting berries! There are several ways you can collect them:


  • Look for the floating Jumbleberry in Webkinz World and click on it to win a random berry. (limit to 6 berries per day, 9 for Deluxe players)
  • Spin the Wheel of Yum daily at Today’s Activities for the chance to win more berries. (web only)
  • Visit Mayor Sophie Stockwell at the Kinzville Park every day during Berry Fest and click on her to get a basket of berries. When you drag the basket into your room, you’ll be awarded a berry. (web only)
  • From June 17– 28, look for a floating basket of berries right here at Webkinz Newz, and click on it to have it sent back to your Webkinz account. Drag the basket into your room to get a bonus berry!


There are 6 berries that you can collect during Berry Fest. You’ll have the chance to find Jumbleberries, Sugarberries, Pickleberries and Moonberries which you can use to fill up your Jars of Preserves at Jumbleberry Fields in the Arcade. You’ll also have the chance to find Goo-Goo Berries and Polarberries that are ONLY available during Berry Fest.


Each time you feed your pet a Goo-Goo Berry or Polarberry you’ll win a prize. Click on a button below to learn more about Berry Fest and find out what you can win:






You’ll also get a bonus play of Jumbleberry Fields every day of Berry Fest. You’ll be awarded the Bonus Play when you log into Webkinz, but it won’t appear in your Dock. It will be available the next time you play Jumbleberry Fields.


UPDATE: Currently the 4 new berry outfits that you can win by playing Jumbleberry Fields are only available by filling a jar with Jumbleberries. On July 3rd, this will be fixed so that the Jumbleberry & Pickleberry outfits will be available by filling a jar of Jumbleberries and the Sugarberry & Moonberry outfits will be available by filling a jar with Sugarberries.


40 Responses to Webkinz Berry Fest 2019

  1. oneyellowlab says:

    I’m in the same boat as most of you, I’m on a lot and I don’t see any floating berries – what’s up with that? I have not seen the seeds either.

  2. vickieb310 says:

    Taking care of three accounts, logging in and getting the max number of berries allowed each day, and so far have only received one pack of seeds. Such a disappointment and waste of time.

  3. Quilter says:

    I guess I am not the only one! I play every day and I have found one floating berry. I have been all over Webkinz World, too. So much for getting special prizes. This is the worst Berry Season ever. :(

  4. lily711 says:

    is anyone getting seeds yet? I seem to get quite a few goo goo berries and polar berries every day but they never give me the seeds.

  5. _6pea says:

    I have 14 accounts and in 4 days of collecting I have won 4 packs of seeds. Is there a glitch or something Ganz? I know they are rare but this is a lot worse then any other collection! I don’t know what’s more frustrating… if the seeds weren’t floating at all, like a lot of people are experiencing, or getting them all and getting the same prizes as last year in multiples not getting the seeds at all!

  6. Davids1lilpixie says:

    Over the course of three days, and I do Webkinz from the desktop app, I have seen total of 3 jumbleberries. I’ve not seen a single Goo Goo Berry nor any hint of any Polar Berries. :-/

  7. merrywayjr says:

    Wish goo-goo berry pie was available.

  8. Powerann says:

    So far, I’ve managed to collect the full daily count of berries but the Goo-Goo Berries and Polarberries have been QUITE thin on the ground, tbh …….

  9. ringneck1 says:

    Has anyone gotten the sour seeds yet?

  10. kitterztoo says:

    I have loved this festival every year—except this one. Fall festival was excellent with a lot of the seeds being released. They were fabulous! This year? So far nothing. I’m not sure if the frequency of the time interval is much longer or the odds of getting googoo berries or polarberries is vastly different than in previous years. Either way, I hope someone tweaks this before the end. Thanks!

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