Berry Fest Community Challenge!

54 Responses to Berry Fest Community Challenge!

  1. polo says:

    this seems hard.:(

    • Mandy Webkinz says:

      Hi Polo! The idea of a Community Challenge is that everyone works together to reach the goal. For example, you don’t need to buy 1,000 pickles on your own – the whole community has to buy 1,000 pickles as a group. The Webkinz team tracks how many items are sold, or games are played. So it’s actually pretty easy to reach the goals when everyone is working together. Hope that helps! Have fun!

  2. Scorpio says:

    Cool Prizes!! Yes I too love playing the community challenges, we all come together and have fun in winning. Good Luck Everyone, have fun!!

  3. Alphaowlbear says:

    I love community challenges so we can work together and everyone wins! This is an awesome group of prizes – I’ve wanted the wardrobe for a very long time – I was on a WW break when it was first offered and I’m thrilled at the opportunity to win one. Thanks!

    • animalmomkls says:

      I love community challenges too! I’ve wanted the Jam Maker’s Pantry for my Jumbleberry Kitchen every since I saw it on a featured room design. All of these prizes are awesome! This will be so much fun. We can do this.

  4. 8821ted says:

    Does the marmalade machine make anything

  5. KSC says:

    Wow!! This is exciting!

  6. crazytreefrog3 says:


  7. Nicthewerecatqueen says:

    some of these games are deluxe only…will they be the game of the day during the day of the challenge?

  8. blurayne says:

    This is great! I love the community challenges, and the prizes are fantastic.

  9. KarenaJ says:

    Well I was feeling a bit down because I haven’t had any luck with the Goo-Goo and Polar berry seed prizes, but this has cheered me up a lot. What a great set of community challenges! Thank you!

  10. xxmgn says:

    So excited to all work together for these prizes! can’t wait!

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