Birdwatching 101: Find the Lil Budgie on Ganz eStore!


The Lil Budgie can be spotted at Ganz eStore this weekend and it’s bringing with it a FREE Code for a Webkinz Willow Sapling – a beautiful tree you can customize yourself!

Between May 4 and 7, visit Ganz eStore and look around the Lil Spring Birdies to find four little Budgies, each with a piece of a Code for the Webkinz Willow Sapling. Find all four pieces of the code and enter them at the Code Shop in to earn this beautiful sapling.

So be sure to visit Ganz eStore and check out all the Lil Birdies between May 4 and 7 to find these four sweet Lil Budgies!

45 Responses to Birdwatching 101: Find the Lil Budgie on Ganz eStore!

  1. babyssss says:

    I’m having a rough time trying to look for the LIL’ SPRING SONGBIRD. I’ve spent 2 hours on Friday then almost 4 hours today. I don’t have anything to put into the Share Center Contest ‘but I did use the free code on May 2nd. Then on finding the LIL’BUDGIE I spent almost 2 hours at the Ganz eStore going all over all the pages of the things you can buy but can’t find anything. I’m getting so frustrated!!!! I hope one of my friends can help me ???

    • dixiecup says:

      The lil Spring Song bird is not like that. It marks the date of entry in the Galkery for a chance to win one when you submit a Garden Oasis room and also, Podkinz 98 has a feature code from the Songbird for a Patio fireplace.

      • dixiecup says:

        The code for the Webkinz Willow is very easy to find when you know how. Look only in the Online Lil Kinz pets section. The 4 code parts can be found under the Chickadee, Robin, Hummingbird and Cardinal.

  2. Grumpylas says:

    Thank you team! I love these saplings!!!

  3. _emiemiemiemiemi_ says:

    Thank you for the sapling! I love saplings, and this one is pretty neat! ^-^

  4. animalsmatter1 says:

    That was so much fun; and the sapling is so pretty. Thanks, Ganz!

  5. habibi24 says:

    Thanks Ganz so much for sapling code! I think I might get the blue jay. We have lots of them in my backyard, along with chickadees, cardinals, robins, & the orioles are back now too! I’ve had a lil kinz plushy cardinal named Richilieu for a long time and I have an oriole plushy I haven’t named yet (anybody got some clever name ideas for him?)

    • Nate4555 says:

      Camden since the Baltimore Orioles play at Oriole Park at Camden Yards.

    • piggitime says:

      My orioles are “brilliantly” named Florian and Floriole. Although I thought long and hard about naming one Baltimore.

    • dixiecup says:

      I went with ‘O’ names as opposed to Baseball player names. If your aren’t a sports fan, these gorgeous lil Weaver birds can be named just about anything. You can go with names that are fancy or ordinary. I chose Olivia for one of mine and on another account I named Him Chanson, which is French for Song. But, you can use Chanteur (for male singer) or Chanteuse (female singer), if you like. You are only limited by your imagination.

  6. bubbashuka says:

    Coolio!! Thanks so much, I LOVE saplings!! :D They were quite easy to find, IMO.

  7. cutebear21 says:

    Can someone please help to give a clue how to find the Lil’ Budgie? Been trying to look for it but couldn’t find it.

  8. Beckinz8 says:

    Thank you for the opportunity to get the Webkinz Willow Sapling! If you plant one of the special saplings, once you customize it, is it stuck that way, even if you need to remove it from one room, and place it in another room? Since I don’t know for sure, I have been afraid to plant and customize any special saplings yet. I hope someone can let me know… Thanks!

  9. Apricotty222 says:

    I’ve been looking for the Lil’ Budgie on the Ganz eStore website, but i couldn’t find it :(

    • bubbashuka says:

      I’ll tell you: So just go to the homepage, and on the top, it says stuff like “Webkinz” and “Webkinz Plush.” Click on webkinz, and on the left side there are a bunch of things, and click the little “+” Next to Webkinz Virtual pets. Click “online lil kinz pets.” The birds will show up, click on each one, scroll down, and you should find a piece of the code. you have to enter them like the picture says. Like, part 1, 2, 3… Get a piece of paper and pen so you can write it down! Sorry if that was a bad description, I am not good at explaining. LOL

  10. animalmomkls says:

    Woo-Hoo! I found all 4 pieces of the code. Now I’m off to get my Webkinz Willow Sapling. Thank you so much!

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