Border Collie Retires!


ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The Border Collie is being retired! That means it’s sold out and no more will EVER be made, making this pet and the Best In Show Throne (its PSI) collectors’ items! If you own this cutie, visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend to count sailboats on Saturday and get a FREE Orange Elm Tree on Sunday! Check Webkinz Newz often to find out about more pets retiring soon!

13 Responses to Border Collie Retires!

  1. buck2087 says:


  2. silverknux1234 says:

    I’ll miss you, border collie!! I always wanted to get one too! R.I.P. :(

  3. Signaturegermanqueen says:

    Awww!!!!! I wanted it so much :(

  4. nonopuppy123 says:

    ;’{ I realy , realy , raly want this :( I have bad luck ;(

  5. WebkinzPlushLover says:

    My sister has this pet and his name is Sam. It is sad but…. HAPPY RETIREMENT BORDER COLLIE!!!!

  6. Husky101 says:

    Oh man, I was hoping to get this one. Maybe I will find one online somewhere or something like that. You will be missed Border Collie.

  7. allwordstaken says:

    NOOO!! I love this dog. :(

  8. BWILYOPUIJK says:

    I wish I had one they look so cute

  9. Sunny says:

    Wow, I might just get this great pet! Sad to see it retire though! :)

  10. Galaya says:

    Im sad about it retiring but at least I have it , and its one of my favorites!

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