Brand NEW Pokemon!

Hey Webkinz fans – how would YOU like to be the first to learn about some brand new Pokemon?

Just click here before March 6th to access exclusive Pokemon stuff!  Enter a special code (150+Pokemon) and learn about all sorts of awesome characters and totally new ways to play the game!

539 Responses to Brand NEW Pokemon!

  1. weirdkid says:

    Webkinz are for girls Chattles!!!!!

  2. ?????????? says:

    Pokemon on Webkinz?!! This is even weirder than those adds about food chef Gapacho said were weird!!!!

  3. Lhasa Lover says:

    I don’t play Pokemon, but even if this advertisement was for one of my favorite toys, I would still say that Webkinz shouldn’t post third party ads. The ones on the top and sides of pages are bad enough, but this is going too far. Please, NO MORE ADS AS NEWZ!!!

  4. Madison says:


  5. GoLicorice says:

    Webkinz was really great when I joined.But they have changed it SO much that its REALLY hard to LIKE!Webkinz,your going the wrong way!

    • kittycaty says:

      I KNOW!!! I was sooo SAD when I saw what they did a few weeks ago. Did any of you webkinz people ever hear the expesion: bigger isn’t always better? Well THIS is one of those times when bigger isn’t better. I also agree with Madison below: that this is WEBKINZ newz NOT POKEMON newz!!! Stop with all the comertials, I’ve ignored them for too long now, STOP IT OR I WILL QUIT!! You should have more stuff for YOUR stuff not OTHER PEOPLE’S stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. ILOVEJUSTICE1999 says:

    Pokemon pathetic! i mean whats the point?

  7. SAVY says:

    My son loves Pokemon and he is excited for these new versions to come out. We actually have pre ordered the Pokemon White Version Bundle which includes a really unique DSI, which he already has a DSI and a DSI XL, but he received them for presents for different occasions, like Christmas, Birthday, etc. This one, he is getting for his birthday, that is right after the release of this new version. He also does chores so he can earn allowance to be able to get himself games. Actually, I’m glad that Webkinz has this advertisement on here, because my son and I just learned a lot more about the new versions and now he is even more excited for his birthday to get here so he can start playing. Just remember, if you don’t have anything nice to say, then you shouldn’t say anything at all. I’m sure Ganz is trying to make every dollar they can and every time someone clicks on the different ads, then they make money. So, if you don’t like what’s being advertised, then maybe you shouldn’t click on it. Be nice everyone!! There are people that have feelings that get hurt very easily, especially young children.

    • 80smusiclover123 says:

      Gee, thanks for your opinion about this ad this is like chaos, everyone is saying that pokemon is lame, but I don’t agree with them, I think pokemon is really,really, awesome.

  8. rebecca says:

    WHAT!!!?!?!?!?!? webkinz IS webkinz NOT pokemon!!!

  9. Kezia says:

    Pokemon is awesome, so is webkinz, why shouldn’t they be together? Give me one good reason.

  10. Yuck says:

    A crummy advertisement? Is that the best you can do WKN? I mean SERIOUSLY? I’m disappointed, WKN. Not a smart move!

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