It’s the zodiac new year, and we’ve got great news from the eStore – from March 19-March 30, ALL of the Zodiac pets will be on sale in the Ganz eStore! It doesn’t matter if you’re an Aries, a Virgo or a Capricorn – they’re all there, and they’re all ready to find a good home!
Also, remember to visit Webkinz Newz each day until March 30 to pick up your piece of Zodiac-inspired clothing. When you see the floating Zodiac sign, just click on it to get that day’s item!
Yes I finally got one for my sis!!! hears my tip: go to another page and let it load, then come back to this page and let it load and within a minuet you will probably find one!
i got 1 and it gave it to my account then i saw another one and i clicked it but it would not give it to me. Now i am trying to get one for my sis and they are no where to be found!! whats up with that?(i have been waiting hear forever!!
will the spinning zodiac wheel spin across the comment pages?
i can’t wait to catch that sign oh yeah and do u guys know about the “super moon” it’s gonna happen after 18 years TODAY!!!!!!! don’t miss is (March19 ,2011 ) {saturday}
Hey, it’s my birthday! Uh, I shouldn’t have used all of my estore points so early this month so I could get something for my birthday from the Estore! Whoops…. :)
How many shirts can you get?
Oh my gosh I’ve already seen the sign and I am super mad! I have a very good reason for it to! Okay so I clicked on it and typed in my login information and entered the security code and it didn’t take it. So I tried again… I typed it in slower and more carefully. Didn’t take it…! So I tried again…! I typed everything in super ultra carefully made sure my password was correct slowly typing the words and typed in the security code as carefully as possible and… DIDN’T TAKE IT! I AM SO ANGRY!
and you shall soon find what you seek. But seriously, if you keep looking you’ll find them soon enough and if you don’t, it’s okay there will be more opportunities in the future.
I can’t get the zodiac clothes……webkinz PLEASE GIVE ME ONE.