Can You Guess This August Pet?


Can you guess this lovely new pet?



Leave your guesses in the comment section and be sure to visit in early August to learn what it is!



113 Responses to Can You Guess This August Pet?

  1. 4webkinz says:

    it is cute!!!!!!!

  2. FoxesRule612 says:

    It’s a panda!!!! I saw it!!! It’s sooooooooooo cute!

  3. TheCycloneKinz says:

    I think I am weird for saying this, but I think it is a horse? :{

  4. indigo11111 says:

    I think it may be a chipmunk, mouse or even a pewter panda. I can’t wait to see what it is! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. gcate7 says:

    A spotted porcupine maybe

  6. lilabster2004 says:

    a panda

  7. Riveris says:

    I’m guessing some sort of grey rabbit. The spots seem like foot pads to me.

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