Special Announcement! The Caring Valley Is Retiring…

Your furry friends here with some news:  the Caring Valley will be retired on January 9, 2013.  Many thanks to everyone for their support for the Caring Valley since its introduction to Webkinz World! Thank you so much for supporting the Caring Valley; you have helped us help many amazing charities along the way.

But there’s still time left to support the Caring Valley! Until January 9, 2013, you can redeem your Caring Valley codes and plant your saplings to help us help others, as well as to receive your special Enchanted Tree prize!

All out of saplings? Not to worry! You can also purchase more codes at the eStore if you’d like to plant some more. And if you’re looking for planting guidance, the Caring Valley Planter’s Handbook will also be retired from the W Shop in 2013, so pick it up before then for helpful planting tips!

If you do wait until after this date, however, your code will then unlock one of 24 customizable Enchanted Saplings that you can plant in your yard!

Happy giving!


61 Responses to Special Announcement! The Caring Valley Is Retiring…

  1. Breanna says:

    ok whats dicekinz?

  2. amyna says:

    OMG!!!!HOW can u do this!? I<3 it.:[

  3. Uggluver79 says:

    OMG Ganz you can’t do this!!! This is like changing history!!!! I was just staring to like Dice Kinz and then you RETIRED IT now this!?!?! The enchanted trees were really awesome too :( ~~~~*Uggluver79*~~~~

  4. meandmykatz says:

    So sad to see it go…

  5. bubbles32828 says:

    i will miss it to

  6. Rebekah says:

    Why do this I have been a member for eight year’s. Why now? I will miss the caring valley

  7. Lily Loves Webkinz says:

    This doesn’t really matter to me. I have ZERO Caring Valley pets.

  8. Frodo says:

    I think that ganz should hold votes whether or not to retire something, b/c like Dicekinz, NOTHING took it’s place – where Adventure Park seems to be Little used- and most people were happy that it was some thing that we still had of the old webkinz, when having a pet was good enough, and there was no estore, or any type of deluxe membership and where every webkinz could get what they wanted easily, webkinz was so fun and simple for everyone!!!!! GANZ I hope you hear all of us, because we want webkinz the way it was

  9. hermionethecat says:

    Why do they have 2 retire everything? I wish we did’nt have to build are own kinzville too…..

  10. Mardy says:

    This really stinks :’( !!! I love the Caring Valley.. Ganz, Y u have to retire it? >.<

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