Catch Floating Hearts & Win!


In honor of the loveliest, sweetest holiday of all, Valentine’s Day, you can click floating hearts in Webkinz World between Feb. 1-14! Check out what you can win…




You can catch one a day until February 14! Good luck!


61 Responses to Catch Floating Hearts & Win!

  1. sophi400 says:

    I haven’t seen any yet, but I’m glad that other people are. Hopefully I’ll find one soon!

  2. jazzhandsjosie says:

    Love having new food prizes for my collection. These are really cute!! Can’t wait for them to be a part of my food collection. Add me on Webkinz: joslin401 if you want to :)

  3. sweetpuff2009 says:

    So cute! :3 I never feed my pets the holiday foods though. I still have halloween chocolates and lollipops from Halloween 2012 :P I am sure some users have older ons though. :3

  4. itsadventuretime23 says:

    I put the food in my food museum!!!!!!!! If want to see the food in there friend princesskitty0608

  5. True2MyWord1 says:

    I got one already!! It was Cinnamon Hearts. Which did you get?! shalta321, I totally get what you’re saying! They’re too cute and pretty for me to give them to my pet to eat so I still have the WInterfest, Valentines day, Halloween, and other events’ foods! I can’t help it! :lol: :roll: :oops: :mrgreen: :P -T2MW1-

  6. udww2kwm says:

    i caught the pink roll its so cute!

  7. JuniorGenius says:

    Haven’t found one yet, but I’ll keep looking!

    • lilypugrulestoo says:

      Yes I agree, in 3 days I got 3 items, 2 the same… there only one per day…..usually they fall very often….I waited hours, well I walked around my property and took time to organize some stuff…..but still a long time to wait for nothing

    • Chiny says:

      I know what you mean, I’ve only received a couple on both my accounts. Sadly, this same thing happened with Winterfest, very disappointing since I love floaty clicky things. Also, don’t see Cinnamon in the park as of Feb. 7 or the floating chocolate on Webkinznewz to collect for the fridge. Hope this gets better this weekend. Thanks Webkinz!

  8. Bows22 says:

    I caught one! Yay!

    • Bows22 says:

      I also want to say thank you to all my friends who help me in challenges and to build furniture, sending me presents and notes and being the best friends that they could be. A shout out to everyone on my friends list! ~Bows22~

  9. ILoveHorses5 says:

    Nice! Please send me Valentine’s day stuff if you want my user is: horsesarenice13 I’ll send back! :)

  10. shalta321 says:

    These are all so cute….I don’t like feeding them to my pets “because” they are so cute!! I got the pink roll today, too sweet <3 I have like 800 food items in my dock because of them being so cute :) keep up the good work Ganz!

    • CLS954 says:

      shalta321, a good way to “save” the food items that are rare or from a special event is to create a room filled with fridges. You have to make sure to keep an aisle between the rows so you can get to the fridges. I have several rooms, mostly just medium size rooms, where I store my favorite foods. I just did a room with “Winterfest 14″ “Candy Canes” and “Cocoas”. There are a lot of players who do save their foods this way. CLS954 aka cinderlou9

    • TinaKitty24 says:

      I don’t like feeding them to my pets either. They’re so cute! But then I give in after a while and eat them! :cry:

    • wrensaunders says:

      sory it was sopost to be all after um i hope you liked it the valitimes stuff is coll i love it ive ben playing on webkinz sis i was tow batll pup is cuit i prbaly will nevr for get webkinz i love it and the horses are cuit i love webkinz a ton you can by cloths for them feed them ow my frend she forgot all abut it even that you can feed them

    • isabell says:

      I know that’s what I do!

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