Check Out the Haunted House Theme (With NEW Items!)


The Haunted House Theme is back in the W Shop on October 9 for a limited time! Hop onto your broomstick and fly there to check out spooky items you can use to decorate your rooms! Plus, check out 3 NEW theme items!


Creepy Ghostfather Clock

You can also win this item by playing the Halloween Challenge!



Mysterious Ooze Chest



Haunted Toilet


103 Responses to Check Out the Haunted House Theme (With NEW Items!)

  1. presutti says:

    If anybody wants to be my friend in webkinz world add me to you friends list!!!!!!!!!!! :-) :-) :-) My username is lilie1234567 :-0

  2. Cupcakes1911 says:

    Spooktacular! xD

  3. P00kie9 says:

    I like the Halloween theme. I like it so much that I combined an old Halloween theme with the new theme. Cool toilet.

  4. popy380 says:

    i made a very creepy room, and in the frige i got i’m puting in all my candy from the ghost! i love the staircase/slide and the trapdoor at the bottem is cute! popy380 ; )

  5. PugPomLover says:

    Is there going to a bed this year?

  6. TinaKitty24 says:

    Haunted toilet?? Oooooh scary!! LOL!! :o

  7. kipling772 says:

    I just Completed the theme and it looks exactly like that picture above… Lovin it ;]

  8. MYRLA1 says:

    I have my new haunted room will there be any other items beside the ones presently in the w shop?

  9. pikapooka says:

    I bought the table and I was pretty freaked out when I saw….

  10. s57547 says:

    Wow, a haunted toilet

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