Check Out These Sweet 16 Concept Drawings!


Hello Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof here with a special report! Earlier this month you voted for the Webkinz Sweet 16 theme to be the next theme released in the W-Shop. Our artists here at Webkinz headquarters have been hard at work and I am pleased to show you the first set of concept drawings! The 3D artists will use these drawings as a guide when actually creating the final items that will be available in the W-Shop on July 10th.


Here’s a first look at a couch that will be part of this theme. If you have a name suggestion for any of these items, please feel free to leave them in the comments section below this article:



What a beautiful bed! I love the color choices and the workstation is a great touch:



Looks like this desk chair will tuck in nicely beneath that bed:



You may remember this next one. It was one of the 5 concept drawings players could vote for:


Here’s a matching chair to go with the cheeseburger beanbag chair. They both look very cozy:



This is one of the most colorful laundry hampers I have ever seen:



This window looks like it will brighten up any room:



Finally, this couch looks like the perfect place to read your favorite book:


I for one can’t wait to pick up this theme in the W-Shop on July 10th! In the meantime, please feel free to leave your feedback and name suggestions in the comments section below and stay tuned for the second set of concept drawings coming soon!


This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz…


398 Responses to Check Out These Sweet 16 Concept Drawings!

  1. mrsanj says:

    I think the bed with the desk bottom should be called the Super Office BUNK 2000x

  2. mtotowa2 says:

    For the book couch I have a quote that could be turned into a name. “Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.” – Lemony Snicket. For the name I would suggest Escape from Life Couch. Because when you read sometimes it can be an escape from life. And the couch is surrounded by book so here is another quote “Kindles don’t have this kind of magic.” This could also be turned into a title.

  3. pattyfrog72 says:

    The only items I like at all are the bed, window, and laundry basket. That last couch is, how can I say this???, AWFUL!!! It goes great with those (small) awful chair and bean bag!!!

  4. internet says:

    The drawings are ok, I guess… I like the bed. The rest of the furniture wouldn’t really go with my rooms though… If anyone wants to be friends, my username is internet0707. I have over 70 rooms, and I would LOVE to show them to all my friends. ;)

  5. PandaFrogZz2 says:

    i particulrarly love the loft bed i have always wanted one so having it in webkinz would be great~~~PandaFrogZz~~~~~ FRIEND ME

  6. clarissa_1712 says:

    I’d call the bed the “lovely lilac loft bed” has a nice ring to it :)

  7. alllc says:

    My favorite is the bed. At first, I had had no idea what the hamburger beanbag chair was.

  8. PawPrintPaw99 says:

    I’d call the last couch Very High Book Nook. Also, for the hamburger beanbag, I’d call it Burger Bag!

  9. avaloveavalove says:

    You should call the taxi couch thingie, “Pick me up when im 16 couch” or “Pick me up couch” or “Pick me up for prom Couch” :D

  10. 4everwebby says:

    When I first saw the couch, my first thought was what a great reading couch. I can’t wait to see how it will look in my library. How about, Classic Book Couch.

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