Check Your Pet’s Packed Lunch!


Has your pet enjoyed the new foods in the Recess Packed Lunch yet? Your pet receives a Packed Lunch each time they finish Recess at the Kinzville Academy. We’ve added a few new foods that you may find inside when you open it, including a Booksmart Burger, a High Marks Milkshake, and some Cheerleader Cheese Sticks! If you have any unopened Packed Lunches you can try opening them today to see if you find these delicious new snacks inside!

91 Responses to Check Your Pet’s Packed Lunch!

  1. Hensliehr says:

    How do we play the game

  2. joshtheelf says:

    Yummy food

  3. sabysaby says:

    For children: WEBKINZ IS BEST!

  4. PrincessAriD02 says:

    I hope recess is soon for me. I really want to go to recess!

  5. A5N5A5 says:

    I personally loved that Ganz added more and unique themed food to the Kinville Academy lunch recess bags. My winter fawn named Silver really loves playing at the recess area. She eats the food from the lunch bag very quickly, especially after a long day containing her three favorite classes. Those classes are Agility,Creativity,and Style.I enjoy the fun games and prizes that the recess section contains for your pet to play in after 15 long days of hard work. Silver really earns the snacks and prizes for her hard work. Thanks,Ganz for adding more fun foods and prizes to the recess area at the Kinzville Academy. Amazing job incorporating the theme of the school in as well. I love it so much and hope that I will obtain these food s for Silver to enjoy. Add me A5N5A5.

  6. q1w2e3r4t5y6u7i8o9p0 says:

    Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:) ;)

  7. kait says:

    i love all the games

  8. bismore says:

    I got all of them. its not that cool.

  9. davidm5 says:

    Yes, It looks… virtual

  10. WanderOverYonder says:

    i’ve had all of them already. also, add me, WanderOverYonderFan :3

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