Checkers Challenge on NOW!


Hey there Checkers champs! The Checkers Challenge on Webkinz Classic starts TODAY– Monday, August 5th, and players who complete the challenge by Sunday, August 25th, will win some cool prizes!


But don’t leave this challenge until the last minute… some tasks will take time to complete.



Here’s how to play: Starting TODAY– Monday, August 5th, look for the Checkers Challenge icon in your pet’s room. It will be displayed along the left side of the room (Webkinz Classic desktop app only):



Click on the icon to review your tasks. There are 3 tasks you’ll need to complete by midnight, August 5th (EST) to earn all the prizes:



  1. Win 4 games of Checkers at the Tournament Arena
  2. Make 25 Wishes playing Wishing Well 2 at the Arcade
  3. Spend 200 KinzCash at the WShop




Complete all the tasks before time runs out and you’ll win an in-room Checkers game, along with a NEW Checkers Throne!



Do YOU have any Checkers game play tips? Let us know in the comments below!




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30 Responses to Checkers Challenge on NOW!

  1. Stan says:

    I love checkers! I also like that you don’t need to play with real people to win the throne, you can just win against the computer! I just wish there were checkers in the new version of the webkinz game! :(

  2. ringneck1 says:

    The prizes for this challenge seem cool, but I absolutely hate checkers. It takes so long to finish a game and I can’t seem to win against the computer (no live players are ever in the tournament arena for this game). Who decided this would be fun?

  3. goosiesteddy1 says:

    Has anyone received a wacky truck fridge? I have had the full number of deluxe entries per day and haven’t received one. Just wondering if there is another glitch.

  4. bashopper says:

    Oh, wow. I never thought that the activities might be a glitch. I just thought I must have missed reading about some special event. I clicked on many items, but skipped others where I didn’t want the prize. This is true for both my Webkinz accounts. I sure hope no one would be banned for making a mistake as I did. Now I’m embarrassed that I didn’t recognize activities that others knew were glitches.

  5. xenoquacker says:

    I love this chair. It will go great with the blue one. I’m not great at checkers. So it’s not a favorite game. So I’m glad we have 20 days to complete the challenge.

  6. alucard says:

    I think that they need to have a page on Webkinz Newz that is a place where Michael, Mandy, Sally, or which ever Host is on Newz that day, can leave us updated information about glitches, issues, or various problems that we are having in Webkinz World, both Classic and Next. This would be a place for Updated Info, NOT a place where players could post about problems we are having. Players would still have to use Customer Service to alert Ganz about problems that are occurring on Webkinz Newz, eStore, Classic, Next, etc. This could be a place where we could all go to get info about what is happening, instead of posting on various pages that have nothing to do with that page…like I’m doing here! Ha! ;-) Anyway, it’s just a suggestion. I just think we need a central place to be able to get info about the various issues going on in Webkinz World that affects all players. It will keep us, or at least some of us, from “freaking out”. We can’t help but worry, after all…we LOVE playing in Webkinz World! :-)

    • Davids1lilpixie says:

      I fully agree. I’ve had more glitches happening in Next in the past week or so that’s awful. I sparked a baby yesterday and instead of the placing the crib in the room I had bought and decorated, it placed the crib in the wrong room! I quickly figured out to put the baby in a stroll and then “moved” the crib, one room at a time, to the proper room. Not only that, placed the wee tyke in the ball pit for the challenge and when I clicked on the baby to put them back in the stroller, the she vanished! I had to log out and back in to get her to appear in her crib!

    • alucard says:

      @Daves1litpixie – So glad you found your little baby Webkinz Next! It can be so frustrating when glitches happen in Classic and Next! I sure Ganz/Team Webkinz tries very hard to fix all the glitches for us, but I just wish we could be informed about what is happening and when, or if, it can be fixed. I also think there has been a lot of glitches happening lately. Hopefully they will be able to fix all these issues. Maybe someone will start a new thread in the Forum and call it something like “Glitches and Updates”? I would but my computer is a little slow sometimes due to some issues with my computer being old as dirt! LOL! ;-) So…one of you younger players, with savvy tech knowledge, maybe think about starting a thread in the Forum. ;-)

  7. 100dogs says:

    I did the 2020 challenge and have the blue throne. It nice they are doing it again but with the colors switched.

  8. Mayzee20 says:

    There appears to be something very wrong with todays activities. Hopefully no one’s accounts are jeopardized since it seems to be glitched for a lot of people… logging out for the day.

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