Chef Gazpacho’s Reminder

Hello, dear readers!
I do hope you’re having some Luck figuring out the extremEly difficult clues left by that tricky fairy Nafaria! I’m at My wits’ end! I’ve been lOoking aNd searching through the entire Webkinz Newz – trying to find weird articles and things that just don’t seeM to bElong. It’s such a pickle of a mess! Really! A pickle! I’m Now asking you Great readers to Use your clever eyEs and brains and see if you can find all the missing ingredients for my recipes! It’s up to you to save the Newzapalooza feast!

Chef Gazpacho

130 Responses to Chef Gazpacho’s Reminder

  1. Beautiblu says:

    now i think i have all six but if these are for the answers to win say somthing or im sad :(

  2. Beautiblu says:

    and aother one is symphocone and that is waffle white rice and fuge then canoopaddarole is tacos fish sticks and asparagus next pokeydokees is artichoke durian and raspberries finally is striped marshmallow pickles lemo meringue pie and jelly

  3. Beautiblu says:

    wait never mind i thinkl it is lemon meringue with pickles

  4. Beautiblu says:

    ooo wait i think i know what it is rassberriers and somthing i think thoose pokeydokees

  5. Beautiblu says:

    i know two pastel rilladillows is toaster pastery, white rice, and cookies and violalatte is green grape, cheeses, and croissant

  6. Beautiblu says:

    in the article all the capital letters spell lemon meringue

  7. Beautiblu says:

    ok first of all idont get what your supose to do where do you find the recipies at

  8. Webkinz says:

    1. Recipe – Canoopaddarole
    Ingredients – tacos, fish sticks and asparagus (stove)

    2. Recipe – Pokeydokees
    Ingredients – artichoke, raspberries and durian (sandwich maker)

    3. Recipe – Pastel Rilladillows
    Ingredients – Toaster Pastry, Cookies, White Rice (stove)

    4. Recipe – Voilaatte
    Ingredients – Croissant, Cheese, Grapes (blender)

    5. Recipe – Striped Mellowmallow
    Ingredients – Jelly, Lemon meringue pie, pickles (blender)

    6. Recipe – Fire and Water Sandwich
    Ingredients – Dragonfruit, watermelon, bread (sandwich maker)

  9. Candycat609 says:

    Theres Lemon meringue in it, so it must be a hint for the recipe! Just add the pie, and it’s Lemon meringue pie!

  10. sassygirl230013 says:

    i have a question! what is the 4th recipie and what is the 5th recipie. and also what is the 6th? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE answer my questions! I AM DESPARATE! but no pressure. btw, my username is sassygirl230013! friend me!!!

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