Hello, dear readers!
I do hope you’re having some Luck figuring out the extremEly difficult clues left by that tricky fairy Nafaria! I’m at My wits’ end! I’ve been lOoking aNd searching through the entire Webkinz Newz – trying to find weird articles and things that just don’t seeM to bElong. It’s such a pickle of a mess! Really! A pickle! I’m Now asking you Great readers to Use your clever eyEs and brains and see if you can find all the missing ingredients for my recipes! It’s up to you to save the Newzapalooza feast!
Chef Gazpacho
If you put the big letters all together it spells Lemon meringue!
sooooooo obvious…
NOOO!!!!!!!!! It won’t open the page to enter!!!!!! 6 DAYS OF HARD WORK AND GETTING YELLED AT TO GET OFF THE COMPUTER GOES TO WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO I WANT MY PEGASUS!!!!!! (Silk Sparrow would be ok but i want pegasus more)…………………. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRY CRY!
My brother named dog on webkinz Luke Skywalker.
I tried to enter the contest, but can’t. It keeps saying unable to find page. Help!!
Day 1: CANOOPADDAROLE — tacos + asparagus + fish sticks
Day 2: POKEYDOKEES — artichoke + raspberries + durian
Day 3: PASTEL RILLADILLOWS — rice + cookies + toaster pastry
Day 4: VIOLALATTE — grapes + cheese + croissant
Day 5: STRIPED MELLOWMALLOW — pickles + lemon pie + jelly
Day 6: FIRE and WATER SANDWICH — dragonfruit + watermelon + bread
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I am so glad you posted these recipes! I had no idea what the third or fourth ones were! Do you want to be friends? My username is BookW0rm95. You can send me a friend request anytime! :) Thanks a million, zillion, gajillion times! :)
I think I have the receipes…..Now what?
how many r there?? i have 4 but is that all?
What i want to know is once all the recipes have been figured out where do you enter them? Any help out there with this one?
oh andFried Callistorm is pizza, eggs, pancakes-stove also Fire and Water sandwich is dragon fruit, bread, watermelon-sandwich