ChiChi Chihuahua Retires!


ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The Webkinz ChiChi Chihuahua is retiring… and so is the Chic Wardrobe, its Pet Specific Item! If you are a lucky owner of this Webkinz, don’t forget to visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend to count sailboats on Saturday (June 14th) and get a FREE Molly Kinz Plushie on Sunday (June 15th). Congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!



How many retired pets do you have? Leave your comments below…


63 Responses to ChiChi Chihuahua Retires!

  1. DebraJean says:

    I have 97..and just bought another….waiting to name it…. :)

  2. passwordn2 says:


  3. prprprprp says:

    This is soooooooo cute!!!! Too bad it is retiring.

  4. awesomesauceinajar says:

    My retired pets are, the Border Collie, Red Squirrel, Fox, Black Lab, Yellow Lab, Cocoa Dinosaur, Deer, Pig, and I think that’s it? Anywho, that makes a total of 8 retired pets, if not more.

  5. momo4cookie says:

    I have three retired pets. (giraffe, gray squirrel, and white mouse)

  6. loolik6 says:

    I have 3! the papillon dog, the hound dog and the red squirrel! I’m waiting for more of them to retire!

  7. tygermarie says:

    ive never heard of this one either! when did it come out? ive been kinz-ing for like seven years!

  8. catsareawesome26 says:

    I only have 1 retired pet, the zebra because I bought her Saturday. Luckily I have this PSI. (it’s really big) I’m just hoping no more awesome pets retire because I don’t have enough eStore points

    • prprprprp says:

      I have the Webkinz Zebra too! I got it a long time ago. Let’s see, how many retired pets do I have? Um, I don’t know. At least 3. I am not sure how many pets have gotten retired. I only remember 3 of them because they retired while I had them. Like, the Stegasaurus, the Holland Lop Bunny, and the Zebra, are some that I have that are retired that I can remember.

  9. Lizardduckie1 says:

    Wow I didn’t even know this was a webkinz pet you could get. Never seen it before.

    • playnowpuppy says:

      U might have seen it before at a store its just some pets look way different online. hope this helps u

      • loolik6 says:

        well, I bought that pet (with the plush!) in the week of the retirement (march 24-30), and I saw about 20 more of them there… even I’m a boy I’ll be happy to have this chiuaua… do you have retired pets?

  10. kittygirls13 says:

    I only have like probably 10 or 20. Also first comment! *I think*

    • kinzklipfan says:

      I have an ongoing list of all the retired pets. I don’t like how Ganz retires a pet every week. Anyway, I have 24 adopted Retired pets, including 2 ChiChi Chihuahuas. My mom has 2 Retired pets. My brother has 7 adopted Retired pets. I have 3 retired pets that aren’t adopted, and my brother has 3 that aren’t adopted. The retired pets that aren’t adopted are from garage sales or were gifts.

      • Nevie_Boo says:

        I have her! I named her Chloe! I love the ChiChi Chihuahua!

      • MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

        I only have 9 pets and I’ve been a player since 2009. 2 of my pets are retired, (the Spotted Leopard and the Portuguese Water Dog.)

      • MyCatWhiskersRocks says:

        BTW I also hate it how they retire pets every week too. :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

        • webkinzlover2005 says:

          I do to I have a few webkinz that are retired but if you count signatures as being retired because ganz is stopping signatures then I have like 16 signatures and their not being made any more so just 16 signature webkinz retired.

      • playnowpuppy says:

        I have EXACTLY :) 23 :) RETIRED PETS !!!! 24 if you count one that didn’t come with a tag ;) I’m a huge collector and altogether I HAVE 68 PETS :) :) :) :) I’ve been playing since I was four or five ;) I have 2 whole shelves in my room dedicated just to my plush pets ;) even so its really sad every week u retire another pet :( :( :( :( why do u do that ???????? :( some of the pets u retire I CAN STILL BUY at many stores around me!!!!!!! I hope u consider bringing back some of the retired pets :( I love the chichi chihahua

        • kittygirls13 says:

          I have over 100 webkinz

          • resolution22 says:

            I think this pet is really cute but sadly i don’t have it! I do have a lot of retired pets though! I have 117 webkinz online right now. If you want to check out my, my page just add me as a friend and I will accept you. my webkinz username is resolution265

          • nikkita2005 says:

            That is SO cool that you have so many great items and rooms! Thanks for adding me as a friend so I could see everything. I noticed you now have 120 webkinz–you go girl! That is a record! :)

        • passwordn2 says:

          they retire pets because they only make a certain amount because if they only were making the same pets over and over they would never make new pets

    • browneyedcat says:

      I don’t like that Ganz is retiring pets every too. It is very annoying. :(

    • webkinzlover2005 says:

      your not the first because if you look up a little right under the tittle “46 Responses to ChiChi Chihuahua Retires! then it says newer comments.

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