ATTENTION ALL COLLECTORS: The Webkinz ChiChi Chihuahua is retiring… and so is the Chic Wardrobe, its Pet Specific Item! If you are a lucky owner of this Webkinz, don’t forget to visit Today’s Activities THIS weekend to count sailboats on Saturday (June 14th) and get a FREE Molly Kinz Plushie on Sunday (June 15th). Congratulations… your pet is now a collector’s item!
How many retired pets do you have? Leave your comments below…
Its a really cute webkinz. why do they have to retire it?
You can still get retired pets on ebay, that’s where I got mine last year.
I think I have like 12 pets. I think 1 or 2 of them are retired.
Why do they have to retire it? It’s so cute! So are the items. :(
yes i actually i have this one i bought it yesterday at the w shop check out my page my username is mypuppydalmation my password is dalmation05