Chocolate Rainbow Waffles: Secret Recipe Revealed!


If you want to make a big breakfast that will brighten your pet’s day, serving some Chocolate Rainbow Waffles certainly stacks up!


But something this special can’t be made simply by combining common ingredients found in the WShop. This secret sandwich maker recipe requires 3 ingredients from 3 different dispensers, including the Honey Maple Lollipop Tree, the Rainbow Cookie Bark Tree, and the White Chocolate Pretzel Tree! If you don’t own any of these dispensers, you can always try trading for the ingredients in the Trading Room of the Webkinz Classic Clubhouse (available only on the desktop app).


Once you have all 3 ingredients, combine them together in any sandwich maker to make this stack of wonderfully colorful waffles!




Want to know about MORE Webkinz Secret Recipes? Check out our Secret Recipe archive here!


Have you discovered the stove recipes in Webkinz Next yet? They’re fun and easy to make!
Just click on a stove once you’ve added it to your room and it will show you a list of recipe foods. You can select any of these recipe foods to learn which ingredients are required.



Unlike Classic, some recipes may require multiples of a single ingredient.



Once you’ve added your ingredients, click the “Cook” button to make your recipe food.



It’s that easy! There’s lots of recipes to make, and even more recipes you can unlock! If you enjoy cooking and crafting, then you’ll love Webkinz Next!


Which Webkinz breakfast food recipes are YOUR favorites? Let us know in the comments below!




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25 Responses to Chocolate Rainbow Waffles: Secret Recipe Revealed!

  1. charlestonian says:

    This recipe is relatively close to Mizzleberry Jacks, which everyone can make on a regular stove.

  2. granma4 says:

    oops It should be waffles LOL

  3. granma4 says:

    I’m sorry to see these pancakes are from special trees so many of us do not have. I don’t think that’s right.

  4. BubbaC says:

    I’d be glad to send these ingredients to help someone (would u be willing to help me with the Valentine collection?} I have a ton of dispensers/trees/etc so if u need anything else let me knoe

  5. Bedford says:

    I’d be glad to send these ingredients to help someone (would u be willing to help me with the Valentine collection?}

  6. Boneleg says:

    OH I need this to add to my rainbow foods collection!!

  7. BridgeLady says:

    I would send ingredients to you bonesbongo.

  8. lemony says:

    So pretty! Is there any way webkinz can do a float for these recipe foods? Many don’t have access to them to make these wonderful tasty treats.

  9. bonesbongo says:

    I would love to make the Chocolate Rainbow Waffles to add to my food collection unfortunately I don’t have the three ingredients required to do so. ~ shelkinz67

  10. phoenixphillip says:

    Can we please get some hints for a Mega Stove Recipe? And not just an abrupt release? This recipe was already released by Sophie in 2018.

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