Choose Your Own Story – Booger’s Rocket







Booger dashed through the front door and came crashing into Goober’s lab, bursting with excitement. He couldn’t wait to tell Goober all about his trip to Space Camp. The words tumbled out of his mouth in an avalanche – Booger told Goober all about the cool robotics he had experimented with, offered a brief history of aviation, and finally described the replica rocket ships that they had been allowed to explore during his two week long stay.

“And that’s why I want you to make me my very own rocket ship, Goober!” the young pup declared with zeal.

“Your own rocket ship? Uh… I don’t know about that…” Goober replied hesitantly, “I mean, that actually IS rocket science, Booger, and even for me –“

“I know you can do it, Goober! I’ll even help!” Booger was so caught up in his own high spirits, he hadn’t noticed the tall stack of books and notes piled high on Goober’s desk.

“Listen, Boog, that sounds really cool and maybe we could try and make some sort of toy rocket –“

“Toy?” interrupted Booger. “I don’t want a toy! I want you to make me a REAL rocket! I’m going to the moon!”

Goober shook his head. He gently guided Booger out of the laboratory and pulled the door shut.

“Listen, Booger, a real rocket is a pretty serious undertaking and I’m working on a lot of really complex experiments right now. Give me a few days and maybe you and I can sit down together and figure something out, ‘kay?” Goober squatted down and smiled at his little brother. “Just a few days – I promise. Now I’ve gotta run. Catch ya later, dude.” He rushed down the hall and was gone before Booger even had a chance to respond.

The joy that had filled Booger just a few minutes before had disappeared – it was as if Goober had popped his enthusiasm like a balloon. Booger turned and, with his head hanging, was about to walk to his room when suddenly he noticed something. When Goober had shut his laboratory door, a corner of the carpet had caught on it, leaving it slightly ajar.

Booger stood in the hall staring at the open door. Goober would freak if he knew Booger was even THINKING about entering the lab without him, but Booger had learned so much about science and technology at Space Camp…

“With access to all of Goober’s equipment,” Booger thought to himself, “maybe I don’t even need his help. Maybe I could make a rocket ship all by myself.”


If you think Booger should enter Goober’s lab and try making a rocket himself, click here.

If you think Booger should stay out of the lab and wait for Goober’s help, click here.

10 Responses to Choose Your Own Story – Booger’s Rocket

  1. fluffymilk2 says:

    this is so confusing. I don’t get it and I can’t tell by date because it was posted all on the same day. Which order is it supposed to be in?!!!!! -…-?

  2. SolarSpeed says:

    If he goes into Goober’s Lab, then the only thing you can do in there is go into the Time Machine. If he goes to his room, the only thing he can do in there is turn on the robot. It’s your choice!

  3. Emeraldleaf says:

    This is really cool……Booger is going to get in big trouble……hehehe!:)
    It’s nice that you get to pick out your own scenario!!!

    ~*Emeraldleaf* :mrgreen: ~

  4. 6as8 says:

    this is so cool. my username is 6as8.

  5. Sparkler says:

    Cool I love this story because unlike a book it’s different every time!
    Stay Bright! ~*Sparkler~*

  6. annapolis1 says:

    If you press the green button on the time machine, you go back in time. If you press the red button you go to the future.

  7. annapolis1 says:

    This is so cool! You know they have books set up like this?

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