Take a look inside the Legendary Dragon Giftbox
The Legendary Dragon’s Pet Specific Item (PSI) is a glorious seat, the Treasure Horde Throne, and its Pet Specific Food (PSF) are yummy Crystal Candies.
The Treasure Horde Throne is a grand addition to any home! You can place this item indoors or in your yard.
Have you adopted a Legendary Dragon in Webkinz Next? What name did you give them? Please share in the comment section.
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Mine is named Jewel Gatherer and her baby is named Quest Seeker. LadyBeauty
I named mine Crystal Icey
Mine is Teju Jagua.
I adopted 2 so we could spark. One is named Rowena Ravenclaw, & the other is Gryffinndor and the gold winged baby is Norbert(a) because they found out Norbert was a girl! Waiting for baby to grow so I can spark that one. I just love how they look when they are running around town with their wings spread out as if they are getting ready to fly.
My pet is maned Celadon.
named not maned.
Trogdor, his baby is named Burninator.
I named mine NImbus :)
That’s a great name!
I named mine Silver Wing :)
@sunnypinksky That’s a great name! I love that :) Add me as a friend! User elpotato