Close Up: The Treasure Horde Throne

Take a look inside the Legendary Dragon Giftbox


The Legendary Dragon’s Pet Specific Item (PSI) is a glorious seat, the Treasure Horde Throne, and its Pet Specific Food (PSF) are yummy Crystal Candies.

The Treasure Horde Throne is a grand addition to any home! You can place this item indoors or in your yard.

Have you adopted a Legendary Dragon in Webkinz Next? What name did you give them? Please share in the comment section.
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11 Responses to Close Up: The Treasure Horde Throne

  1. LadyBeauty says:

    Mine is named Jewel Gatherer and her baby is named Quest Seeker. LadyBeauty

  2. lucyvpelt says:

    I named mine Crystal Icey

  3. unifreebee says:

    Mine is Teju Jagua.

  4. beerfeet says:

    I adopted 2 so we could spark. One is named Rowena Ravenclaw, & the other is Gryffinndor and the gold winged baby is Norbert(a) because they found out Norbert was a girl! Waiting for baby to grow so I can spark that one. I just love how they look when they are running around town with their wings spread out as if they are getting ready to fly.

  5. silverqueenmaggie says:

    My pet is maned Celadon.

  6. smittenkitten420 says:

    Trogdor, his baby is named Burninator.

  7. roxmoy312 says:

    I named mine NImbus :)

  8. sunnypinksky says:

    I named mine Silver Wing :)

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