Wow – we had a ton of great entries in our clothing design contest and we have narrowed the list down to 20 finalists.
The five Grand Prize Winners will receive a new Clothing Design Trophy, a Fashion Show Station, courtesy of Ganz eStore, and have their clothing items turned into virtual clothing in Webkinz during 2019. All 20 finalists will each receive a six pack of Winterfest Cookies.
While the final decision will be up to the Creative Dept. at Webkinz, we want your input before we decide which five items will be made into clothing in Webkinz World. Please check them out and let us know what you think!

Carrot Skirt by 1212blue

color storm skirt by orangewing2020

Elegant Gray Merle Shirt by ElfinStray

Grape Vineyard Outfit by cakis

Keep Calm And Care On T-Shirt by SkipDatJustDancer

skirt and leg warmers by 95password

Lil’ Miss Sweet Heart Dress by twixiskawaii

Ombre Australian Outback Hat by PurpleDragonFruit

Peacock Dress by dixieandi

Periwinkle dress by HobbitJedi

Pinstripe Jacket With Coattails by MistKinz

Simply Floral Gown by Resonatingthunder

Snowman Sweater by Woof02120

Soft Serve Skirt by pony2102

Spring Blossom Skirt by happybiscuit22

Star Struck Jacket by aactualtrash

striped gown by ermlermlerml

Sunflower Sweatshirt by cat2f

Swan Lake Dress by leah7bear

Velvety Valentine Dress by Webkinzluver5
Wow! Thank you for choosing me as one of the finalists! :D My top 5 favorite entries are the Velvety Valentine Dress, The Sunflower Sweatshirt, The Spring Blossom Skirt, Snowman Sweater and the Color Storm Skirt! Congrats to all of the other finalists! Everyone did such an amazing job!
the Swan Lake Dress is my fave!
Soooo, when are the winners gonna be announced? ;)
The Swan Lake Dress does look sharp, but I feel that there are enough dresses with wings already for Webkinz to wear. Fairy Princess Ball Gown, Butterfly Fairy Dress, Holly Fairy Princess Gown, Pixie Dress, Sugar Plum Ballerina Dress, Toadstool Fairy Dress are some of the dresses with wings that I already have it would be nice to get some clothing items that don’t have wings.
Grape Vineyard Outfit, Simply Floral Gown, Star Struck Jacket, Periwinkle Dress and Pinstripe Jacket with Coattails are the clothing items I would love to see my pets wearing.
Everyone is so talented! Congrats finalists!
My 5 favorites are the Grape Vineyard Dress, the Swan Lake Dress, the Star Struck Jacket, and the Elegant Grey Merle Shirt. Which was really hard for me to narrow down because I literally loved ALL the dresses lol.
Thank you for including my Peacock Dress design! Congratulations to all the other finalists! My five favorite clothing designs are: The Peacock Dress, The Velvety Valentine Dress, The Sunflower Sweatshirt, The Soft Serve Skirt, and The Spring Blossom Skirt.