Collect Candy From The Ghost In The Haunted Reading Room!


Look for the ghost in the haunted Reading Room at the Webkinz Classic Clubhouse, and click on it to collect candy! If you manage to collect all twelve by midnight, October 31 (EST), you’ll win the grand prize: A Haunted CampKinz Cabin!



You can collect candy from the ghost every six hours. You can track your progress by clicking on the Jack O’Lantern icon featured at the bottom right corner of your screen. The icon will only appear while you are visiting the Clubhouse, it will not appear in your pet’s room.


Here’s a look at this year’s candy collection:



You can feed the candies to your pets, or display them proudly in a fridge! In any case, when you have collected all twelve candies, click on the UNLOCK button, and your Haunted CampKinz Cabin will be added to your Dock!



Design the perfect place to display your cabin using the Spooky Campground room theme, this year’s brand-new Halloween room theme, which is available at the WShop until midnight, October 31!



How many candies have you collect so far? Let us know in the comment section below…



23 Responses to Collect Candy From The Ghost In The Haunted Reading Room!

  1. BH1464 says:

    LOVE the grand prize for collecting candy from the ghost in 2023!

  2. jediknightpie says:

    keep getting a popup saying the clubhouse is closed :(

  3. Amygirl113 says:

    Like a couple others have posted, I too am loving it that we get the candy as soon as we click on the ghost – so much more fun. Thanks Ganz for doing it that way and hope future click on things like this will work the same way.

  4. spotsofbeauty says:

    Where can we find the three tent beds in the picture?

  5. rachelgirl192 says:

    I love the ghost! Will get get more candy when we filled up the collection, or will the collecting end when we have everything?

    • piggitime says:

      Traditionally, you can keep collecting from Spooky til he retires for the year. I think Lucky’s that way, too. It’s Cinnamon the rat er Hamster that won’t allow more collecting after you fill your box. (Caveat: I know it has been this way in the past. I hold my breath on things staying the same year to year now.)

  6. shortordercook says:

    I love finding the ghost!! The haunted cabin is a really cool prize. Thanks so much! Off to the reading room to start my collection.

  7. Fred04 says:

    Thank you – so far I’ve done 4 of my accounts and as soon as I click on the ghost I get the candy – don’t have to have pet walk over to it and click and click and click to get the prize if other pets are surrounding it and the pets with the pet buddies that really seem to clog it up and have to change rooms and come back in. So much more helpful just being able to click the ghost and get the prize. Hope you can get the other rooms we have click to win act like this does from now on. So much more fun. Thanks again. It’s awesome.

  8. mfaull says:

    This is such a great prize!

  9. Twistersmom says:

    I have five accounts so 5 pieces so far. I have to leave for work so when I get home I will collect again. Love the spooky cabin I have a room for this. Smiley face.

  10. nicetigress says:

    I am going to get on Webkinz right now and see what I get!!

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